Swimsuit Competition

I've mentioned how much Eliana loves to go to the pool, as well as how much she loves to wear bathing suits and will pick one out to wear even around the house if she is able to do so.
Today Michaela and I (well, really just Michaela because I lay down on her bed and just watched and maybe closed my eyes a hundred few times) went through her fall and winter clothes from last year to see if anything fit. The clothes were mixed together in big Sterilite bins with the things she has definitely outgrown which we are saving for Eliana. Among those things are bathing suits. The bathing suits, along with a great pink and orange pile of shorts, tanks, dresses, jeans, and pajamas, were strewn about on the floor of Michaela's room.
Can you see where this is going?
Eliana frantically cried out,"Bathing suit?! Bathing suit?!" It really was something in between a question and an exclamation. She desperately wanted to put on the swimsuit that was floating in that sea of capris and sundresses.
Michaela handed one of them to me (because I was laid out on the bed, remember? She's such a helpful girl...) and I helped Eliana put it on. Then she spied another one. She grabbed that one and wanted to wear it, too. Well, a third one appeared and she snatched it up and brought it over to me as well.
Who am I to argue with such a fashionista? I put on all three suits (not on me, I mean, on Eliana), one on top of the other. It was the easiest thing for me to do, since it made her so happy at that moment and required the least amount of movement on my part. (I have been tired lately due to my bad sleeping lately-see, I just said "lately" twice. I can't even write straight. Think straight. Whatever.)
From the front you couldn't tell too much...
but from the back, it was pretty funny. And she was very proud of her ensemble; she even wore it to dinner.
It could be a look that catches on, you know? Especially for the indecisive...

Reader Comments (3)
Love it. Isn't it fun when they make demands you can give in to? And what a terrific blackmail photo for later. :)
that is too funny, she has a square botton like a certain sponge character I know! definitely an ensamble made to grace the dinner table! sweet girl.
So cute!