They're Finally Here!

My mom and dad arrived today!
Michaela has been wearing a little dress that my mom made for her out of some fabric that she kept from my grandma's house when they moved her into a retirement community. She has been so excited that her grandma was coming that she couldn't wait for her to get here and see it again. She even wore it to the airport...
My mom noticed right away and said,"Are you still wearing that?!" I think Michaela was five when she first got it. It used to come down to her knees; now it's a tunic!
Dad got the bags in the back of the car...
He thought he was here for a vacation, but the kids had other plans.
I think Christian had him play at least three games this afternoon, look through an entire kids' cookbook, and watch Star Wars.
We also had plans for Dad. See those hideous blinds behind the couch in that picture above? They are so ugly but we haven't been able to replace them with anything until tonight. So Dad and Mike put up a new curtain rod in our room and we moved the curtain rod that was in there into this other room, which is our schoolroom/guest room. Yay!
Some real privacy. And blocking of the morning light. My parents are grateful for that one. They are not a permanent solution (they hang about six inches above the floor) but it is so much better than those silly, holey blinds. I am grateful that we are able to make these changes. Our home needs so much work, but something like this might motivate me to get busy and start getting things in order around here.
Or it might make me say,"Hey, no one can see in here anymore. I'm going to go eat some ice cream."
At any rate, I'm really happy that my parents are here. We are going to cram in all sorts of fun over the next week and a couple of days. Here's what we want to do:
- trip to Ikea
- celebrate Eliana's birthday
- road trip to San Antonio
- sewing on some curtains for the kitchen
- hang curtains in Michaela's room
- do some organizing around the house
- plant a garden out back
Just kidding on that last one. I think the San Antonio trip might have to wait for another visit...maybe after we are a little more together. Wait, if we do that, then we might never go. I suppose we'll have to see how it all plays out.
One thing I'm sure of is that there will be a lot of fun. And a lot of lovin'. And a lot of pictures.
Reader Comments (3)
YAY good times...I hope you guys have a blast!!
I'm glad they made it save and sound. Have a great visit. :0
Have fun!!