To the Pool Where It's Cool

What do you do with a house full of CRAZY CHILDREN when it's 98o outside? Oh, yes, the swimming pool saves the sanity of all the moms the day!
This scene we were totally prepared for...the girls having a great time together, being silly, giving each other the bunny ears...
This scene, not so much!
Do you see what's going on here?! Three girls + three boys + giggling??! Equals three moms saying,"What?!" A little taste of what's to come, I suppose. (Sigh.)
(That's a reasonable enough request, right?)
The boys were just doing their thing...they swam and chased each other, played a little beach ball volleyball.
And this one? Oh, he'll be right there with the rest of the boys giving moms heart attacks because he'll be making the girls giggle and act all goofy. For now, he's all curly blond hair, big blue eyes, mess of a cutie pie...
See? He's so sweet. When he's sweet, that is! (That's what I say about Christian, too.)
This girl here, not the one in the sunglasses, but the other one...she's quite the match for blondie up above. The two of them together...hilarious.
While the big girls were in the big pool jumping off the diving board, little miss thing devoted herself to some diving action in the baby pool...look at that form...
a little bit of splash on the entry, I don't know what the judges will have to say about that...
It's hard to argue with that face, though. What a proud moment!
We'll cut her some slack; she can't read, after all.
Eliana didn't really get wet that day. I was taking pictures and so she was trailing me...
having her own brand of fun.
Shifting gears a that everyone is gone and we have to entertain ourselves once again, we don't really know what to do. That transition is so hard for me, and just as hard for the kids. I sure do miss these people!
What else can I say? Until next time, dear friends...I love you!

Reader Comments (2)
Oh, Christina, I love you too!!!!! I have LOVED reliving the week through your posts. And the one of the diving sequence...I laughed until I cried :) Can't wait to do all again!
Catching up on blogs today and I love these recaps! It is SUPER that you went to the ball game and had such a great time and these pool pictures are precious. :)