Play-dough enters the scene...

and saves me from having a nervous break-down because my babies are starting high school, and driving away...

and going to college, and getting married, and having babies...

[Paper bag to face] I suppose I have a while yet...No need for hysteria.
Reader Comments (4)
You're cracking me up...although seriously,it goes too fast, doesn't it?
Does one ever really outgrow Play-Dough?
Happy sweeping!
Chandra, and then there are days when I think,"Now, when are they all going to be out of this house?" That will be the day that I don't have to sweep in the dining room after dinner. :)
Mindee, two things I almost included in my much I still love to give it a good smush, and how busy it kept them for hours as well as how many hours I was busy cleaning it up. In fact, there are still play-dough smudges all over my dining room table, as well as in the groove for the leaf. So, you hit the nail on the head!
Play dough really is fun for all ages! I can't resist rolling it around in my hands myself.
I'm glad time slowed down for you for a minute.