And Now for an Explanation

I feel the need to go into further detail about my previous post. You see, I didn't even tell you the funny part. Or not so funny, as it is an indicator of the way I live my life by the seat of my pants, helter-skelter, with a disregard to all things scheduled/listy which causes much strife and beating of the chest in agony.
I found this grocery list last night, which my husband had started (I won't rewrite it here, although it's short). The two items on the list were both a joke, based on my great dislike of all raw meat, particularly bloody raw meat or meat that has bones or giblets or innards that you have to remove. I will never be that person who removes innards. And the spam...well, equally gross as far as I am concerned. So, the list that Mike started was one that I was supposed to find, have a good chuckle (or heave), and then add the appropriate items that I would need to get at the store.
What is funny, and sad at the same time, is that he started that list, oh, maybe a year least. He has taken the time to set up various and sundry things in order to help me get organized and I continue to forget about them, or be afraid of the effort that it takes to make a change. The saying that goes,"Old habits die hard," is unfortunately quite accurate.
Mainly, I wanted to point out a couple of things. The first is that Mike is actually a thoughtful husband who wants more than anything for me to be happy (he told me so!); he is not a very weird and disgusting guy who has a hankerin' for disgusting, bloody chicken and canned meat products. The second is that I am a flighty, forgetful nitwit.
Also, I was greatly encouraged by your comments yesterday regarding dinner...I ended up feeding my kids frozen dinner kind of stuff which was relatively easy, but ironically probably not as healthy as the cereal! I did have a bowl of it for lunch today myself, though.
And that is all I have to say tonight.

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