The Time That Was Supposed to Be

(I'll be back-tracking a little here! Sorry to anyone who likes chronological consistency!)
Since my mom and dad's accident, we all feel a little more the sense of how fragile life is, and how quickly things can change. In the blink of an eye, and yet in a moment that seems to pass before you like a slow-motion movie, your whole life can change. We have all had those experiences...where something incredible happens, either good or bad.
We joked about how of course they would make it through the flight safely, since they had been spared in the car...why would they be saved if only to perish in a plane crash?! But seriously, we were all so relieved and grateful to see them, and to hug them! We had lunch together that first day shortly after they walked in the door...
Do you think they like her a little bit?
Do you think she likes it that they like her a little bit?
Just a little bit!
Christian favors both sides of our family...he can look so much like Mike did as a boy, and even Mike's brothers. But there are also many, many times when his expressions are just like my dad's. It cracks me up. They are pretty close. They're both big Star Wars fans, you know.
The rest of that day they rested, since they had to get up so early for their flight. It was New Year's Eve, so we made an effort to stay up. We made it to midnight, east coast time, and probably went to bed by midnight our time.
We saved our Christmas fun for the following day!
The anticipation was rising...Eliana could not wait to open her "fresents"! She knew that once Grandma and Grandpa were here we could dig into the pile of wrapped gifts that was still hiding behind the tree.
The big kids received ipod speakers/chargers for beside their beds. Michaela's is designed to look like a purse. Isn't it cute?! She really liked it.
And Christian's is pretty cool...very streamlined and masculine. He didn't know what it was at first, but when we explained it to him, he thought it was neat. Now, of course, we have to find his ipod. (Sigh.)
Eliana got a lot of fun things for her kitchen...baking tools and pots and pans. She liked every single thing she opened. Can you tell?
She was very busy cooking for Grandpa. It's a good thing he has a hearty appetite! And a sweet tooth-just about everything he got from her was "tookies wif choc-late!"
Christian opened a dinosaur excavation kit. He thought it was great! He immediately got to work after reading the instructions with his dad.
And he totally dug the safety goggles.
I think the above photo may be one of my favorite pictures ever. I would also like to say that later in the week, Mike was going to do something that he thought would require goggles and Christian ran and grabbed these for him. Loved it.
Speaking of loving it...Eliana loves chocolate about as much as her mother. Here we are playing tug-of-war with a bag of M&M's that I got in my goodie bag (kind of like a stocking!) from my mom. But they were the kind with peanuts, and we all know what she thinks of the Peanut M&M', I win!
Soon, it was my mom and dad's turn to open their presents. Eliana made it her personal responsibility to be in the middle of any and all gift-opening activity.
We gave them a new comforter cover; it has a pretty red, vinish (vine-ish?) design all over it.
Now, you can't have a comforter cover without a comforter to cover, right? This is what Dad thought about that...
"A what?"
As he was trying to fit all of their stuff in the suitcases the day before they left, he asked me,"What was that other thing you gave us besides the bedspread?" I told him that it was a comforter, like a cover for the bed. He said,"Is it fitted?" He didn't quite get it. I tried to explain that it was just like a bedspread, it went over the bed, and that it was a cover. Then he asked again about the duvet. I said,"It's a cover...for the other thing." He had that same expression on his face. Once he sees it all put together, I am sure it will make sense, but as of a few days ago...not so much.
I love looking back over these pictures...seeing the fun, and the joy on everyone's faces. These are moments that are treasures to me. There are more photos that I would like to share, but I will break it up, so that this post isn't too long. Ha, it probably already is too long! But, it was definitely a special time, and one that was given to us and was a blessing. I know I've already said it, but we are grateful for that!!

Reader Comments (1)
My daughter used to always say tookies! She couldn't say the "K" or "C" sound, but would instead substitute "t."
She had a tute brother.
She loved tookies.
She loved "k"itties . . . but that always ended up sounding wrong! :)
Yes, life is so fragile. I am glad your parents are okay.
(I found you from PW)