This Face

I'm doing something new...I have seen other people blogging about the website "I Heart Faces". I have been curious, but never checked it out. Today, I checked it out, and it looked like so much fun! I love taking pictures, but have so much to learn. Mostly, I experiment. A great deal of my pictures are taken inside, so I use a flash. I've been using our giant flash lately, to see if it's any better than just using the flash that comes on the camera, and it's been interesting.
Anyway, when Eliana got out of the bath tonight, she wrapped herself in her towel without help and looked at me beaming; she exclaimed,"I did it!" I ran and grabbed the camera, because...this face! How I love it. And I thought of the "I Heart Faces" challenge that I had just read about. This week's theme is "Best Face Photo". Well, this is certainly one of them, for me. It's the cheeks! They get me every time.
There are so many faces out there! And each one tells a story...go see for yourself!
Reader Comments (7)
You're right! Those are some adorable cheeks. :D Great pic.
What a sweet sweet face!
You're lighting is great here. She sure is a cutie.
What an adorable face! Welcome to iheartfaces, you are going to love all of the challenges!
I love those cheeks! She is adorable. And I like how the color of the towel brings out her eyes.
Her cheeks get me every time too. :)
What a terrific picture!! Those big blue eyes and cheeks remind me of someone speical...My niece when she was little...Christina Ruth! :-D