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Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Michaela is a pretty cheerful girl.  She wakes up fairly early, and with a smile on her face.  But on the day of her special birthday get-together with two friends...

She was beyond cheerful.  She was exuberant!  And the smile on her face that day?  It was priceless to me.

I don't know if I would call this priceless, but it would be hard to put a price tag on, as well...

These are two of her friends from church and soccer.  And all she wanted to do for her birthday, when asked about a party, was go ice-skating with these girls and then get ice cream.  I was surprised because she's never really had a birthday party, other than the family thing we do especially when we are in Florida; she and Mike's mom share a birthday.  Isn't that fun?

But as far as getting friends together, we've never done that.  But, this is what she wanted, so it's what she got!

We had to wait until after the New Year's weekend, but we figured out a time later in the week and then headed to the Galleria ice skating rink after school.

Of course, once we got there, they put their skates on, and started towards the rink, the ice skating lady in charge sent everyone off of the ice so that they could smooth it out!  The girls were so patient; they even said,"At least we hadn't just gotten on the ice!"

Finally they were able to get out there...

And Michaela immediately left her friends behind.  Oh, dear.

I think she realized soon after that that they were not right there with her, and then they all made an effort to stick together for most of the rest of the time. 

They had so much fun!

Sweet friends holding hands.  I just love moments like that.

Our next stop was Baskin-Robbins.  Do you know that they all had lemon ice cream?  But no one was sour...

Only sweet and happy!


A little sidenote-when we arrived at the rink the song Dancing Queen was playing.  And I just had to dance.  Could there be a more fun song?   (I feel like Chandler-from Friends-when I say things like that) (From Friends!  Is there another Chandler?!)

Reader Comments (2)

I love "parties" like that. No prep work, no clean up! It looks like they had a great time.

January 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

Oh this brings back soo many memories, how fun she is such a doll, I am living in "lack of girl" land seeing what it would be like through your eyes! thanks!

January 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjana

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