Haiti Seems So Far Away, But Is It?

My heart and my head are always left in such a wild state of confusion when something like the earthquake in Haiti happens. It is a true thing that I am not meant to be in charge of some disaster relief organization...I would be useless, a mess. I find myself thinking things like,"What in the world can I do?" I question God, the good, big God of the world in which we find so many horrible things happening every day, really. But then I see so many people who are gifted with wisdom and resources, who guide the folks who are more like me (or maybe just me?) in a direction that is purposeful.
There are bloggers/crafters who are donating a part of their sales to help in Haiti...
like Beki, and others that you can find here.
There are bloggers who are giving away money to charities on behalf of those who read their personal blogs...
There are bloggers who have connections with people, or know people who grew up there or live there now...
like Susan Wise Bauer, and Debbie.
There are people who are willing to go there themselves in order to lend aid and there are missionaries that were already living there and are dealing with and helping the native people to deal with this horrific event...
like the Livesays, the Mangines, and the Blesh family. I'm sure there are many others, and I don't even know these people, but I have read a little about what their lives are like right now.
And I think,"There is the hand of God. There are the feet of God. There is the voice of God. There is the heart of God." I may not be able to be in a particular place to offer someone what they might need, whether it's food, clothes, a drink, or a listening ear...but I can pray from here. And give in ways that make sense for our family. Earlier today Christian wanted to give some of his Christmas gift money to the relief effort. And somewhere in Haiti there is a little boy his age who will be very grateful for the gift.
Reader Comments (1)
its so true I get stunned by things like this and dont know what to do, I just got a call that the family I stayed with while waiting to close on my house is being deployed there right away, tomorrow I think, I am going to have to make a plan, I have to help somehow.