Some Things Don't Change

There is a tree near our neighborhood. It is an old tree, one that is the keeper of a time-honored tradition. Each year many families gather around this tree in order to witness a great illumination, sing Christmas carols, and celebrate the Christmas season together.
For most of the year, the tree stands proudly, yet unadorned, in the center of a highly traveled road, having seen many changes over the years that it has grown its deep roots. One thing that hasn't changed for more than eighty years (except for during WW II and during an energy crisis one year) is the lighting of this tree at Christmastime.
It was special to be part of this event tonight. The 75th lighting of a 75-foot tree, which is approximately 75 feet wide. Fun fact, no?
The kids were enamored of a decorative carousel in the front yard of one of the homes across from the tree.
The darkness made it hard to get shots that are very clear, but it is a pretty cool Christmas decoration. There is a sleigh on one side with steps that lead down to the ground. They had fun going around and around (on their feet, it doesn't really go around).
The people in this neighborhood go all out with the lights and such. It's very fun to ride up and down the street looking at all of them (Eliana loves the lights and will cry out,"Look! It's so beautiful!), and I hope to get some nice pictures of some of them this year. They are really's like nothing I've ever seen.
There are homes more elaborate than this one, it just happened to be near where I parked.
I know Christmas isn't about the lights and the life-size Nutcrackers, the wreaths and red bows...but the beauty of all of that leads me to think of what Christmas is all about. (Well, maybe not the life-size Nutcrackers, but everything else.) Jesus, the light of the world, came to dwell among us; he came to give us life that will never end, but also an abundant life that begins now; he lived a perfect life and then shed his blood on the cross so that we might be able to be called sons of God. These truths come so easily to my mind when I'm writing. I wish I could say that they were so readily available all the time. Maybe little by little, year after year, they will continue to become so etched in my mind and on my heart, that they will rule over me, instead of all the other things that I allow to cover over them and become more important.
At any rate, I am glad that we went tonight. It was a pleasure to see the kids' delight when the lights went on. (Although, here's a funny story. I didn't want to be late, or have to walk for blocks after parking far away, so we left really early and ate dinner in the car. I pulled up to the curb not too far from the tree and it was pretty empty around the area. I thought,"Maybe I'm too early." I pulled away from the curb in order to drive around the block one more time. (For good measure? What a goof.) As I eased back onto the street the lights on the tree - all 5000 of them - flashed on for two seconds, and then off again. The kids got a sneak preview. Ha! So, sometimes you can be too early.) This was the first time we attended the lighting, but I imagine it won't be our last. I hope that each time I see these lights, whether driving by or watching them come on for the first (or second!) time, I will think of the Light of the world, who came into the darkness, and was not overcome by it (John 1:5). For, as much as this tradition hasn't changed for so long, the Creator of the tree itself and all those who come to see it hasn't changed...he is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). His love is everlasting and his promises will never fail. These are the things that don't change. Amen.

Reader Comments (6)
What a lovely tradition. How cool that the owners keep that up year after year!
What a cool tradition!!!
You're making me want to live in a small town - that's the most adorable tradition!
I love the Hebrews 13:8 scripture you posted at the end...Isn't it so awesome that even though the world is constantly changing, fashions come and go, even people come and go, but God stays exactly the same? And we can count on Him, He'll NEVER let us down! I just love that!
Great photos of a fun night. That house in the last picture is so beautiful.
stumbled over here from whatever....beautiful spiritual post. Nice way to start today. And I fill a little advent organizer with a little treat each day. You just inspired me to put something about Jesus in them today (with a little candy)....maybe a small prayer thanking God for each child. Thank you.
This was just like in a movie! I'm so glad it really exists. How blessed you are to be able to take part. I'd LOVE to have that tradition. I feel just like you do about wanting the most important thing in my life not to get buried under urgent things. Very well written!