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They Teach Me a Thing or Two

As I was getting Eliana ready for bed tonight I heard a great commotion upstairs; there was banging, and slamming, and scooting.  I was a little nervous about all that noise.  What could it mean, other than the contents of all of the bins of toys and paraphernalia were being emptied out onto the floor into a huge pile in order to rid me of my sanity problem once and for all.  

Oh, wait.  I am actually without any trace of sanity, so that couldn't be it. 

Maybe they were going to jump in it, like a leaf pile.  Or maybe they were going to try to catch it on fire by rubbing two Lincoln Logs together.  Or make a maze out of it.  I tried to quell my fears as I waited for Eliana to be sound asleep.

They finally came downstairs, calling for me softly.  Eliana was out so I walked into the hallway and prepared myself for this adventure.  (Read:  I quickly grabbed the camera.)

When we got to the top of the stairs Michaela opened her bedroom door and I saw...

the floor! 

It had been a while.

I was very proud that they had been up there cleaning, sweeping, and putting things away rather than emptying, spreading, and messing.  She even made her bed.  Sort of.  It's very hard to make; I am not quite sure what to do about it, actually.  That's another post, I suppose - Bedmaking 101.

Her room is a work-in-progress.  And it's been in progress for almost a year now.  When I think that we have lived in this house for a year (in about a month) it boggles my mind.  (Say that word over and over, and it no longer sounds like a word...boggle, boggle, boggle.)  All that is still left to do.  Again, another post for another time.  Or not.  You don't really want to know.

Back to Michaela's room...there are quite a few things left to do in there.  We have a fun print to hang on one of the walls (once we decide where all the furniture will end up).  Her desk needs to go back in there (it was relocated for the Valentine's Day surprise) and we need a chair for it (the desk) (it is very hard to find a reasonably priced desk chair for a kid).  There are also a few things that need to be weeded out just because she has gotten big for them (like the doll furniture, which will eventually end up in Eliana's room.  Which is a storage area right now.  Help!).  (Do the parentheses bother you?  I'm sorry.  I interrupt myself a lot.)

She was very excited about her clean room tonight.  She kept saying how much fun it was, and how she would help me clean the rest of the house now that she knew how much fun it was to clean. 

I'd better get started on my list for her!  It's going to be a long one.

Reader Comments (3)

Looks good! My girls have finally *I think* gotten the "cleaning of their rooms" part down!

Your comments on my posts lately have been cracking me up! Thanks for the smiles!

February 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe Lumberjack's Wife

I love the moments when you end up thinking..."Well miracles never cease!"

Enjoyed my visit to your blog!


February 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJulie Size

I have to let you know I think we are kindred spirits....I too have no sanity. So nice to meet another woman with similar disabilities! Ha! Also, next month marks a year for us in a new house. I feel your pain with so much to do. (Plus, being at home all day all I do is see the things that need to be fixed, moved, painted, etc....sometimes it's a curse!) Still, I love our new home and I look forward to the years in it and all the projects that will come along with it. Enjoyed the post!

February 19, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaime Kubik

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