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Going for the Gold

I am procrastinating.  Surprise!

Seriously.  I have days worth of dishes to wash by hand, because I (brilliantly) tried to dispose of a glass in the disposal, which doesn't work all that well.  Now the disposal is out of order, and there is a big piece of glass in there that is blocking the drain from working properly which in turn affects the dishwasher draining (I think.  My husband said that might be the case, and when you mention something like that to an obsessive-compulsive person, then forget it.  He might as well have said,"It is a well-known fact that when you run the disposal with a glass in it then your dishwasher evaporates").

This story keeps going.  I tried to get the glass out, and yes, I did put something over my hand, but apparently it wasn't enough.  I cut the tip of my middle finger.  It was strange; I almost didn't feel any pain.  Just a prick, and then there was quite a bit of blood.  I got the blood flow under control pretty quickly, but since then I haven't been able to do the dishes because band-aids just don't stay on in the water (waterproof band-aids, you have a lot of answering to do!) and I couldn't do the dishes with nothing on my finger.  We've used a lot of paper plates the last few days.  And ALL of our glasses/cups/mugs/wine goblets are dirty.  (Have you ever seen a nine-year-old drink milk out of a wine glass.  It's something.)  I had no idea we had so many drinking vessels.  And now I have to wash them all. 

Some might say (like me, for instance) fixing the disposal sounds like a "man job".  Sorry if that sounds sexist.  There are some things, however, that I would like my hubby to do.  Taking out the garbage is one of them.  Fixing plumbing problems is another.   (I will say that I single-handedly fixed our toilet in Kentucky once when he was out of town...I rocked the toilet flapper chain, yes, I did.)  And I did try to fix this, at least a little, but it cut me!  I took some solace in not having to do the dishes for a while.  Until said dishes started threatening me with their towering height and dirty smelliness.  But now?  Now it's time to put my gloves on. 

(cue:  Eye of the Tiger, me running up the steps of our porch, panting and out of breath as I reach the top)

I went and got some gloves.  Not for fighting, although the sinkful of yuck deserves a good beating.  My gloves are for scrubbing.  The rubber yellow gloves will save my fingers from the suds-induced devastation that is sure to come from hours of scrubbing all of those glasses and pots and pans that have gathered as if for a dirty dishes convention.  OH!  And the silverware.  How I hate to handwash silverware!

Wait!  I was going to say more about this being a "man job" but I distracted myself.  The reason that Mike has not taken on the glass sliver in our disposal is because he is crazy-trying-to-finish a very important project.  That's all I'll say about that.  He is on a mission (I guess I have more to say, after all) and I am not going to deter him.  Later this weekend, I will have him figure out the best way to get that glass out of the disposal. 

Can you run your disposal ever again after chopping up some glass in there?  It didn't seem to like it very much that I did that.

I am hard on disposals.  I am not a friend.

Is there a moral to this story?  Check your disposal before you run it, I suppose.  Don't put small glasses and silverware in the side of your sink that has a disposal could be another.  At least I'm learning the lessons that are set before me.  Ah, the silver lining.  The better tomorrow.  The smarter Christina.

Well.  Maybe that's asking a bit too much.  You know what this just reminded me of?  The commercials that I've seen about double checking.  They are really funny, man.  Or maybe I'm just in desperate need of a laugh, but the guy smearing on the red lipstick and the guy eating the dog biscuit...I have to admit I laughed out loud when I saw them.

Suddenly it seems pretty obvious that I don't get out much.  But I did get to Target the other day and so on top of all the dishes I need to wash I have bags and bags of (what in the world did I buy in there, anyway?!) stuff to unpack.  Did I mention the laundry mountain?  No?  Well, that too. 

And a brownie to eat.  What a lot to accomplish!  I'll be a busy girl tonight.

Sorry about the pictureless post.  You do not want to see my dirty dishes, right?  I thought not.

Wait!  Here is how much of a procrastinator I am...a picture of my brownie.  It is the last one.  I ate almost all of them.  Gold medal potential, I tell you.


And here is the milk I'm having with my brownie.  Please note that I am drinking out of a jelly jar.  All of our glasses are dirty, remember?

And here is the stuff from Target that I need to put away...

Our hair dryer died, so I had to get a new one.  I also got a cookie sheet, because I didn't have one.  And some healthy Kashi snacks.  The Dr. Pepper is for Mike, I promise!  Okay, I had one, but I didn't have one today, and I'm back into the Resistance.  I can't remember what else is in there.  Sad, but true. 

So...we have learned that I not only rule at brownie-downing but also at procrastination.  Where do your gold-medal-winning skills lie?  Please share!

Reader Comments (4)

Home Disasters Forum has this to say about glass in the disposal

And here's some more advise

Sounds fixable if you can be brave!!

February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

I swear, next time our disposal breaks, I'm not replacing it. We'll just learn to scrape into the trash. That thing is just a big, noisy, plumber's saving account.

We can't use our washer right now because the poodle barfed all over Hayden's bed and rather than scraping off the chunks I just threw the whole mess into the machine and now the drain is clogged.

Stupid Poodle.

I heart Target.

Oh and tell Michaela her room looks amazing. Could she please come and show my 14 year old how to do that?

February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

My gold medals will come from the following:

- hairbrush karaoke
- Coca-cola downing
- photo book making
- Kindle reading

That might just about cover it.......

February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

I wrote a poem recently about Pledge Multi Surface. I couldn't believe how fast I was able to dust my house with it. I decided there needed to be an Olympic dusting event! I am a cleaner. I have to clean and things need to be clean and put away -- always. I hope that eventually the rest of the family will feel my obsession on the matter....I'm still waiting though!

February 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJaime Kubik

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