Ready or Not...

This week's challenge at I Heart Faces is challenging, all right. This is ironic considering they are asking people to submit their "Hilarious Outtakes". The challenge lies not in the capture, but in the choosing. I could enter 150 pictures. I debated whether or not I would have a contest for readers to vote...but I couldn't narrow it down to a reasonable amount of photos. I have pictures that are funny for so many kids make silly faces, or no one is ready for the picture when I take it, or an obstruction enters the picture from elsewhere. For this challenge you are allowed to enter five pictures...and even with that generous allowance I still have so many!! I might do a post later this week with the ones that I didn't choose to submit. I need a little bit of light and funny around here, so that will be something fun to look forward to (at least for me).
And now for the pictures that almost were...
This photo is one of the first pictures I took of Eliana in the hospital. It was just the two of us and I had a lot of fun watching her for hours. This was an accidental pose, but my mom liked it because it looks like Eliana is saying,"Watch out, Michaela and Christian, here I come!" My little Rocky Balboa...
Now, here is a picture that every mom wants to have of their precious baby girl...filling her diaper with a lovely gift for me. Definitely one to save for the wedding reception.
I think that the talent displayed in the following picture is amazing. Not only does it show how tricky Michaela is that she can make her neck and her tongue look identical, but I was able to capture the image forever.
This next picture needs no explanation as to why it is so awesome...
I'm hoping she was removing something, rather than inserting.
This final picture is also of Eliana. I obviously love taking pictures of her, and one gorgeous fall day we were outside playing in the leaves and I asked her to look at me and show me her eyes. So...she did.
Oh, there are so many more! But I have to stop for now. I will show off some more of my excellent photography skills in another post later, and hopefully give you some laughs as you look over them.
There are so, so many funny pictures over at I Heart Faces...go check it out, it'll be good for a chuckle.

Reader Comments (9)
The pictures of the kids are great! I love that kids do exactly what you say like showing you their eyes!
Cute! Love the diaper filling one!!
That first picture looks like your newborn is about to flip you the bird. Love it!
Your kids are adorable :)
Oh! I love the first one. That's great. :)
LOVED the pictures! my favs were the tongue pic and the last one. your girls are beautiful
That tongue one totally freaked me out! How did she do that?
Your hilarious outtakes speak to my soul, I love the funny ones the most! especially the middle finger one, is that bad?
Awesome! Just Awesome!! Kids do and say the darndest things! Loved the "show me your eyes" pic! Precious! Thanks Christina!
I just love the first one! It made me smile right off :) I posted a "filling the diaper" shot on my 365 blog last month - hubs shook his head :)
All great outtakes! Have a fabulous day!