You Know You're (This) Christina When...

You buy cards a month early for a major holiday...
And then stash them away and completely forget until you find them just before said holiday. (For two separate holidays, in fact.)
You always remember to take your camera to the kids' soccer games...
But never remember their water bottles. (Um, priorities, people.)
You leave the house in order to return an item to a store...
And realize after running a couple of other errands first you forgot the item by the door at home.
You leave the house in order to run a very particular errand (like pick up the dry cleaning)...
And arrive home having forgotten to run that errand at all.
You leave the house with your children wearing inappropriate attire, either unknowingly or knowingly.
You lose your sunglasses since you haven't worn them since last summer...
But find them when looking for your add-on flash. (Of course they are together!)
You boil some eggs for your daughter and husband...
And find them in the pan on the stovetop six hours later. (The burner was turned off-whew!)
You schedule a fun Easter Egg hunt-attending adventure with a friend of the family...
While forgetting about your daughter's soccer game THAT IS ON THE CALENDAR and is scheduled for the same time as the egg-finding-animal-petting-bouncehouse-jumping-cookie-eating-at-10:30-in-the-morning adventure in the park. (I did realize it the night before...saved from my double-booking by my own brain!)
You break your own glasses in one quick and artful move trying to adjust the stem.
You realize your sleeves need to be pulled up a bit while you are getting dinner ready, so you throw your arms up quickly in order to adjust your sleeves...
And crack the two eggs you are holding, one in each hand, on the hood of your oven and watch as they land in a glass baking dish containing homemade marbles on your stovetop. (Um, I meant to do that part. Yeah, that's right.) (I have to make marbles, since mine have gone totally missing.)
You schedule a follow-up dentist appointment for your son for the morning his class begins their end-of-the-year achievement testing, as well as for thirty minutes before you are supposed to be back to pick up your youngest daughter from her co-op class. (What? What is a calendar? There is a calendar that will fit in my purse?)
The one thing I seem to be good at is making this list longer...
I'll give a pretend million dollars to anyone who can guess what I have decided my theme song in life is.

Reader Comments (6)
Hmmm . . .
"Crazy" by Patsy Cline?
I do insane stuff like that all the time. I blame it on childbirth. My mind hasn't been the same since.
Nor has my stomach.
How weird. I am Christina and I didn't even know it. :)
I'm pretty sure there are more Christina's n this world than non-Christina's!!! Can you make a few marbles for me next time?
Kara, regarding the marbles...maybe I can start selling them! Surely there is a market!
You know you are Amy when...
You give your dad a Father's Day card from the year before that you forgot to give him.
You dress your kids in jackets on a 90 degree day cause you forgot their jackets the day before that was 50 degrees.
ummm..."supercalafragilisticeggsmealidocious"? I could use that pretend million dollars. Or what about that song that goes...."Help! I need somebody, Help, not just anybody, Help, you know I need someone...HELP!!!" ...or maybe S.O.S? How about Respect? Or maybe, "What's love got to do with it?" ...