Saturday's for Soccer and Swimming

Michaela got some good running time in this last game! In her previous game, she pretty much stood around and watched everyone else at the other end of the field, but last weekend she was on offense and she totally stepped up!
I was so proud! I am the girl who tries to kick the ball, and falls flat on her back. (whump! *Me waving from the ground)
She dribbled, and she passed...
and then my girl tried to score a goal!
I think as she practices that trying will turn into success!
Have I mentioned that I love her? Because I do. Just a little.
After the game we were invited to our friends' house from church, the sweet couple who takes care of us and loves on us whenever they see us. The kids were ready to go swimming...
but the water was pretty cold, and unfortunately their heater was not working.
They splashed around a bit but no one stayed fully in the water for very long.
This girl here? She didn't even stick her big toe in. She is a total weenie and really does not like to be cold, much less cold and wet.
While I did remember to bring three swim diapers, I forgot to bring even one bathing suit for Eliana. Or for Christian. (Actually, I asked Christian to get his own, but he didn't, and then I didn't, so we ended up with none for him too. Awesome! That is why you won't see much of him...he was swimming in his undies.)
Michaela soon discovered that Elaine (our friend) was planting a big bunch of pots for her backyard, and since the girl is part mole she was all in.
And I mean ALL IN. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty. Or her legs, her arms, and her face.
Speaking of a face...I can't get enough of this one.
Or this one...his is just a tad more elusive.
I have to get pictures of Christian on the sly most of the time. He had a ton of fun cleaning Elaine and Rex's pool. I'm sure they want to have him over every weekend!
Eliana got more and more brave as the time went on and her legs got numb she got used to the water.
It was very cold, but I think she ended up being in the water the most out of the three of them.
I loved watching them...
their joy...
their love...
their imaginativeness...
their peacefulness...
their sweetness...
It's an amazing thing for people to love you. We are loved, and are so grateful.
Reader Comments (6)
Lovely post! You are a good mama! :)
Your children are so beautiful and full of joy!!! What an inspiration you are!!
I cannot get over how beautiful that back yard is. Don't you just love generous friends who have cool stuff?
Such BEAUTIFUL pictures!! You truly have a gift with the camera! Don't those kiddos just warm your heart so much? I swear sometimes I think my heart is going to explode with all the love I have for my boys!! They get me all warm and fuzzy!! Loved the pics, loved the words. Great "mommy" moments!
What a fun day!
I'm also not a fan of being cold and wet.
Your pictures are awesome!
Fun pictures, Christina! I love the ones of Eliana in her diaper. I'm a fan of the baby legs. Your kids are beautiful, as always.