I'm Not Feeling Very Clever, But I Get Back to Redemption in the End

I've had a hard couple of days...Eliana has been difficult, Christian and I have had a rough time, and even Michaela has been a little smart with me (and I don't mean in a bookish way...). The common factor here is...ME! Blech. Sometimes I don't like to be around my own self.
The thing is, I don't want to be a downer. So, I got into our pictures and found some that I would like to share. Just for fun. It's super random, though!
This is going to be the hat that Michaela wears to the tea party Christian's class has on Wednesday (more on that, I'm sure)...
These are pictures I took when I was going to enter the I Heart Faces smile photo challenge, but I ended up getting the kids to bed too late the last night you could enter, so I missed it. I'm so glad I have these pictures though. I was trying to use natural light, and see if I could make it work. I still have so much to learn. I know just enough to be dangerous, and to frustrate myself!
I know right about now you're thinking,"She's being difficult?! How is that possible?"
Oh, but it is...she has to deal with me. Remember? haha
I'm pretty sure that my favorite hairstyle for her right now is dog ears. I don't think it could be cuter.
Speaking of cute...
All I can say is that he is his mother's son. He had a chocolate cupcake after his final soccer game. He enjoyed it. Thoroughly.
Michaela also had her final game; her team made it all the way to the last game of the play-offs. They played a rough team, not just a tough one. Our girls handled it well, though. They played a great game, especially at the end. Almost at the beginning, though, Michaela got hit in the face with the ball. It hit so hard that her glasses went flying and one of the moms standing near me on the side cried out,"Was that blood or glasses?!" (they were the red ones) There was no blood, but she was a bit timid for a while (um, hello? I would have cried hard and run far, far away from the ball any time it came near me again-not an effective way to play soccer.) but she got back into the game toward the end.
Aaand back to the frustrations of taking pictures. This is the only picture that turned out when I had the zoom lens on the other day.
There were about twelve pictures of a cardinal right in our yard, but I'm so unstable (shaky hands - my mental state didn't come into play at this time...that's a whole other story) that not one of them was clear. I was so sad! I don't know if I'm doing something very wrong or if we once again have the flukey dud. This does happen to us quite frequently. We are the "defective" magnets.
Here is some good news! I am going to try to start reading Scripture faithfully again. I have gotten away from that (hmmm, could that be tied to my downward-spiraling attitude trend? [That is a rhetorical question. Thank you.]) and am honestly looking forward to reading God's word and seeing where that takes me. Sad, isn't it? I'm the wife of a pastor and this is my state. But! God is a God of redemption, isn't he? Oh, where would I be if it weren't so?!

Reader Comments (7)
I love that hat! And your daughter looks gorgeous in those photos, I think they turned out great!
Oh, Christina! I wish there was something that I could say that might make a difference. I would like to remind you how good you felt a few years ago when you were exercising regularly. I don't think it's a coincidence. Go over to the Y and give it a try TOMORROW while Eliana is in school. While you're there find out about child care and make a commitment to going. Eliana would be fine if Michaela is with her. I know it's hard, but it will be good for your body and your mind. One step at a time!
I HATE when I have a bad attitude and KNOW what will fix it (scripture) but that's the last thing I'm motivated to do. So hard! Luckily there isn't any scripture about God expecting pastor's wives to be perfect! You get grace, too!!!
Rich had to separate me from the children last night. It was getting ugly. Maybe it's spring fever? Or maybe since you and I are the same person, we have the same PMS schedule. :)
Your comments yesterday cracked me up!
Hugs to you roomie and prayers coming your way! Last week was rough for me. My motivation was in the toilet and the guilt that I felt from that was overwhelming. I was having a hard time interacting with everyone and to top it off my hormones were rampant thanks to "my monthly visitor." Did you know that I have an honest to goodness Aunt Flo? Well, really she is my Great Aunt Flo (She is my mom's aunt), so not only do I have a hard time calling my period, "Aunt Flo" but I also have a really hard time talking about her since I have to say Aunt Flo. And this ends my randomness on your blog for today. Love to Great Aunt Flo...
I think everyone gets into ruts like that, and even fall away from reading the Bible. I know I do. I hope you get out of your funk soon and love all the pictures! :)
Hope you're feeling better!
I know I have those moments myself.