We're Going on a Trip...

You know you're a mom when you can only sing that phrase Little Einsteins style.
The kids and I are headed to my parents' house for a visit. We don't go often. It's much cheaper for them to come here, and my parents usually don't throw fits on a plane, so the flight is more pleasant for them than for me with three kids.
Actually, Christian and Michaela now do really well on flights. They can keep busy and they understand that I cannot make the plane move any faster than it is already moving. We've tried rocking back and forth, but that just irritated the people in front of us. And it didn't speed things up.
I am hoping to take enough stuff to keep Eliana entertained, and enough food to keep her busy, for the duration of all legs of our trip. While tomorrow will be a long day, there is a Chick-Fil-A at the end of the tunnel for them (Who am I kidding? For me!) and of course, there is the great excitement of seeing Grandma and Grandpa. I've already been informed of three separate bags full of goodies for the kids (and a box for me...my momma loves me) so I'm assuming I need to take an extra, empty suitcase for the return trip home.
I have managed to get all of our clothes into one smallish suitcase, and I need to work on the airplane bags next. The kids have been pretty good today, and I am hoping to leave the house in decent shape. Perfect? Probably not. But, good enough? I think I can do that. My main goal is to get the laundry down to almost nothing, and to clean the main bathroom.
And also to remember everyone's undies.
We have some exciting things planned for our time in Virginia. First up, is my dad's retirement party. Did you know my dad is retiring? Actually, he is already retired! He preached his final sermon on May 30th. His 1,800th sermon, give or take a few. He was the pastor at Oakwood Memorial Baptist Church for 36 years.
My parents have been at that church since the year before I was born; I grew up there, my brother grew up there. Dad has dedicated babies, married young couples, married old couples, married people he watched grow up. He has seen children come into this world, witnessed them become young adults, and then watched them start families. He walked me down the aisle, sang, and did the vows as well. He has baptized children who came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He held my hand as I walked down the steps of the baptismal pool when I was nine years old. He has had the honor of baptizing grown men and women who have been given the light of new life through Jesus Christ. He has sat by the bedside of the dying. He has held the hand of the suffering. He has helped comfort those who have lost a loved one, or several. He and my mom have visited hospital rooms, and homes of people who did not have the physical strength to make it to a service, but who still wanted to worship. He has buried babies and cried along with their parents. He has had to help families put young people in the grave long before they should have had to go. He has sung at funerals for individuals who had become more than friends, but family. He has celebrated military homecomings. He has mourned with parents and spouses when heroes have died while serving. He has prayed for, and witnessed miracles. He has praised God for the cancer that is now gone. He has seen cancer ravage bodies, but not spirits. He has seen families struck down but not destroyed. He has been the hands and feet of the Lord for countless people, even people he did not know well or at all.
I am not foolish enough to think my dad is perfect. Only one man deserves to be called that. Dad has flaws just like any human being. But I count it a blessing that my parents are still married, that they have determined to work through the hard things that they have been through and seen, and that they can shut the door on this part of their history together knowing that they are leaving behind a legacy of love that will not soon be forgotten.
This has been a difficult part of the journey for them. For how do you say goodbye to your family? Because the sweet people who have showed up on Sunday morning for the last thirty-six years are more than just a congregation; they are family.
I am excited to go and celebrate his ministry, their ministry, and his retirement this weekend. I am proud of my dad. I love him so. We have always loved his big bear hugs...it's a good thing you don't have to retire from giving those. I hope there are many more years left for bear-hugging...and other fun things, some of which we'll be doing just next week! We'll be headed to D.C., and hopefully the beach. I'm sure we'll go to parks, and visit with old friends (I'm going to see my first roommate from college, whom I haven't seen in about fifteen years, as well as other college friends, and some from when I was younger). It'll be fun...stay tuned. I bet we'll laugh a lot, and I bet we'll cry a lot, too. I better pack some tissues...and Depends would probably be smart.

Reader Comments (10)
Aw, that'll be a great time...have a good trip, and I hope the flight goes well! Having Chick-fil-a at the end would be good for me, too :-)
Love it! Congrats to your dad!
Fun fact: I have never eaten at this Chick-fil-a you speak of.
What a stunning tribute to your dad! Enjoy the trip!
Unfortunately, I'm going to miss it and you. :( John's family reunion is also this weekend, so we're heading down to SC tomorrow.
And you're right - no one hugs better than your dad.
I want to go to your dad's retirement too!
Have a good trip. As for flying with Eliana? One word: Benadryl.
Have a great trip! (In your little Rocket ship....) Sorry I've been MIA lately, lots of outside work to do on our 10 acre place! I will have to blog about it soon! Congrats to your dad too! What an amazing influence he has had on so many believers!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and letting me know. I had a great week with my kung Fu Baby, is definitely not the same being a SAHM, but I like it a lot because I can really take my time and just watch him interact with his hands or his feet (I find really amusing to see how much time he spend just looking and looking). My native language is Spanish but I speak English fluently too, but I feel more comfortable writing in Spanish; I was born and raised in Venezuela, and I moved to USA almost 7 years ago when I got married. I was looking around your blog and I really like, I’m definitely add you to my list.. By the way I didn’t burn the baby or lost him, I guess is so important to me that I get lost in time and forget I’m cooking or doing something else. God bless you!
What a sweet tribute to your father :)
Enjoy your trip!
...on our favorite rocketship...
is it considered a hug when you can climb your grown behind in his lap and cry like a baby while he holds you??? ur dad has the bestest lap everrrrr...and theres no peace like it while you are on it!