Is There Anything Else?

This week at I Heart Faces they are focusing on "Play". There are many ways to interpret this can play an instrument, or a sport. The pictures could be of a group, of an individual, or of a couple of kids sharing a fun moment with a toy.
Since I have kids and they love to play (I mean, is there anything else?) I am going that route.
We had a church picnic the other night at the park just down the block. As soon as we got there, the kids headed for the balls, the bubbles, the hoops, and any other play paraphernalia they could get their hands on. I told them on the way there that this was their dinner, and they needed to eat. I'm pretty sure they squeezed in a few bites between tossing, running, catching, waving, jumping, and falling.
I took several pictures of all the kids playing; they were throwing a football back and forth, they were playing with mini-lacrosse sticks, they were going for wagon rides. I also captured Eliana on the swings. She loves to swing these days, and insists that I push her higher! Higher!
I told someone recently that if she could stay outside all day she would probably be the perfect child. She wouldn't throw a single fit. She would be 100% content. (Those would be Mike's genes shining through.) Her smile keeps me out there. (Believe me, the heat, plus the bugs, plus the heat, plus the bugs are MORE THAN ENOUGH to send me inside.) But she just wants to play.
Go take a peek at all the fun people are having...whatever it is that they are playing. Check out the judges, too...they are very funny people, and their pictures are so happy and colorful!

Reader Comments (13)
Great picture! My niece is the same way about cute!
what a cute lil girl and a great photo! Love her lil smile!
Swings! I love swings!
Sigh, now I'm terribly envious.
Why, oh why, am I not on swings right now? And as safe as I consider my neighborhood to be, there's no way I'm walking down the street at 10:30 at night to go to the playground by myself.
Oh swings, how you taunt me.
So sweet! She looks so happy...
haha i love that you thought it was rockin my life away lol and nope no young mom with lots of young kids here, just a semi young adult with a cheesy blog name haha but thanks for the comment back and for the laugh! =]
I ♥ this capture! What a beautiful, impish expression on your sweet girl's face in this picture!
Love it! She is one cute kid!
You're such a nice mommy to keep pushing the swing. I do not like that job.
Eliana is losing some of the chub from her cheeks. Kindly ask her to quit growing please!
So cute!! We are on the same wavelength, girl---swings!
Thanks for commenting on my I Heart Play Entry! Yes my nephews absolutely LOVE legos...I used to play with them all the time when I was younger. Now they always beg me to play. I love the girl's smile in your picture!
that sweet face just looks like she's having the time of her life!
What a smile!!
I love that photo! So sweet!