The Time Traveler

Mike has been in tomorrow for the last twelve days. He left for Kenya three days after I returned from Florida. I knew all summer that our schedule would be crazy like that, and we would be passing one another like ships sailing in opposite directions over the ocean blue. I may have done things differently had I known all of the things that would transpire this summer. can't change the way things have gone, now, can you?
The kids thought it was neat that Dad was so far across the world that it was already the next day. But what is even better is having him back in our time zone. In our house.
Maybe I will be able to sleep again.
Although, I have enough laundry to do that if I didn't go to sleep and just washed and washed and washed, I might be done by Labor Day. I have to confess that it is not all Mike's fault...I had to catch up on putting the clean stuff away, so I let a few days go by in which I did no laundry. This always turns out to be a bad decision.
The good news is that the bed is all cleared of clean clothes, so that he can get a good night's sleep tonight. Time travelers need a lot of rest, you know.
Did I mention that it's good to have him back?
Reader Comments (1)
I'm glad he's back too. Maybe now you can get back to "normal". :)