A Bid Dirl

Eliana is three years old.
I don't know how that's possible, considering the fact that I just gave birth to her a few days ago. It is still so fresh and clear in my mind.
And yet...it is 2010 and not 2007. That is something I just can't get around.
This little person entered our lives August 18 three years ago...
and brought all kinds of loveliness and delight...
and enchanted us...
She snuggled with us...
and got round and happy, like babies tend to do...
She had the audacity to do things like grow teeth...
and learn to pull herself up...
and turn one...
and then two...
(which she did with great gusto)
That little person just never stopped growing.
The nerve!
And now another entire year has passed...
full of unique moments...
and each moment seems like it just happened yesterday...
Her personality continued to develop and shine...
and she experienced so many new things...
and had so...
And do you know she kept getting bigger all the while...
I can't make her stop!
As much as it's true that it feels like she just got here, even I cannot deny the facts. She is three years old. She is my big girl. And she is my baby girl. I suppose that's how it will be from now on.

Reader Comments (4)
Happy birthday, Eliana! Love the pictures!
Eliana is, quite possibly, the most photogenic child on the planet today. Happy Birthday Big Girl!
Your kids are so beautiful I wanna scream!!!! HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU LIVE IN A HOUSE FILLED WITH SO MUCH BEAUTY?!!?!!? I'd never wanna leave! (Oh wait, you don't, do you? LOL hee hee).
beautiful!! can't believe she is three. my little C is about to turn two and i am having all these "she's not my baby anymore" panicky kind of thoughts. your pictures are soo good. i need you to come photograph my family! i know this post was about E and how she has changed but it so struck me when i saw the picture of all the kids together, bigs holding E after she was born...M has so drastically changed in the last three years! Unreal!! Is that what I am about to experience with A???!!!! Oh my....