Some Stuff From This Year Part II

At the end of January we celebrated Christian's birthday. It was low-key this year. I took cupcakes to his class (They were very good...I used the sheet cake on PW's site. Instead of the traditional sheet cake frosting I used ganache. Yum!!) and then after school I took the three kids to get ice cream. That night Christian opened his presents, all of which he loved.
We gave him Equilibrio which is a balancing game...there is a book of challenges, each page shows a different arrangement using various shaped blocks, and they increase in difficulty as far as balancing goes. Christian loves puzzles and building; he thought this was very cool.
We have also recently discovered that Lego has games that you put together and play, and make up your own rules once you have the idea of the game down. Christian got one of these games, called Minotaurus, from my mom and dad (Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Ken). He said,"This is what I wanted!"
He also received a neat looking remote control vehicle that you build (Erector set) from Mike's mom (Grandma Diana) and her husband (Mr. Bob).
Mike's dad (Grandpa Lance) and his wife (Ms. Susie) gave Christian a gift card for Learning Express and he chose some new Lego sets (surprise!).
A few days after Christian's birthday we were able to take the kids to SpeedZone, which has go-carts, some other rides, and an indoor insanity room a gameroom. This kind of place is really expensive, but they had this deal (I suppose they always have this deal) that you can get a free pass one day during the month of your birthday (both Christian and Michaela have birthdays in January), and unlimited games for four hours (certain games, not all of them). Mike and I were not charged anything, even though we had to drive Christian in the go-carts (we had to drive Michaela in one kind), and Eliana was free (of course, she didn't do much but walk around and look cute, and wave and shout at her brother and sister). The only things we paid for were pizza and drinks for dinner. I thought that was pretty great.
Even though she didn't get to ride, she thought it was fun to watch.
Guess who thought it was awesome to drive all on her own?
Come on! Any guesses?
Michaela tried very hard to stay ahead of her dad. He's pretty savvy on the road, though.
Silly sisters...Michaela was waiting her turn for the second track.
The boys...
It was cold outside, and after a while the kids wanted to play some of the games. The indoor gameroom made my head spin. They thought it was fantastic.
This brought back a lot of memories...I played a lot of air hockey growing up, in our youth group game room. There were a lot less lights and loud music and beer.
Don't worry, Christian and Michaela had no beer. They did have sodas.
Then there were the simulated race tracks.
This kept them busy for quite a while. You would be surprised how many different ways you can pretend drive a race car/motorcycle/police car/four wheeler.
Don't think Eliana would be left out. She made sure she "rode" the cars, and beat on some drums, too.
It was a fun night. I left a little early with Eliana and Mike stayed with the older two just a bit longer. They had a very good time. It was nice to do something unique for their birthdays since we didn't have big parties with a lot of friends this year.
Stay tuned for more shenanigans...I can't believe it is already March and we're almost a quarter of the way through this year!

Reader Comments (6)
Air hockey is my secret hidden talent.
We'll have to have a match!
We only have friend parties every other year and on the "off" years we do something like this. I've never gotten such a great deal though. You rock!
Mindee, Any deal we get can be attributed to Mike and his savvy internet skills. :) I am not the one who can rock web deals!!
I LOVE hearing about good deals! We may have to take a trip during our boy's birthday! It looks like you guys had a great time!
I'm not sure I understand that Lego game, but it sounds awesome! Not as awesome as a fake motorcycle though.
That seems fun. I'm in.