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« Some Stuff From This Year Part II | Main | A Wild Hair »

Some Stuff From This Year Part I

There are a lot of things that I intended to write about, but never had the I am going to do a recap of the year so far, in a few installments.  Because while most people don't care to read a post that has zero pictures, most people also don't care to read a post that has seventy-five pictures. 

One of our early adventures this year was a trip to a bowling alley.  We were the only people in there, except for the people who were working. 

Each of my kids has their own style when it comes to launching the ball down the lane.  Michaela did a bit of a boogie.

Christian always added quite a dramatic flair.

Sometimes Eliana used the chute, but sometimes she would try to roll the ball from the line.  Her ball took a while to get to the pins.  But it got there!

In fact, her score was higher than any of my bowling scores have ever been.  Maybe I should always ask to play with bumpers.

Christian had the highest score, Michaela wasn't too far behind, and Eliana brought up the rear...only because I didn't play.  (Do you know how much it costs to bowl?!  Crazy.)

They had a blast.


We've also had some adventures at home.  One morning Mike let the kids make eggs...they thought that was great!  I love Christian's halo in this picture.  He's such an angelic big brother.

They all love to help in the kitchen.

Wow.  His teeth have really come in since then!


We also made cinnamon rolls.  I have never attempted the Pioneer Woman's famous recipe; mine is pretty simple, and doesn't involve yeast.  I think they are quite tasty.  How can something that requires an entire stick of butter be anything but tasty?  A tasty heart attack rolled up with sugar and cinnamon. 

I don't usually use the whole stick of butter, by the way.  Three-fourths maybe?

Eliana picked up the open container of cinnamon and sniffed it.  "Mmmm.  That smells good."  Michaela told her we had to shake some of that on to the dough, and I had just enough time to yell,"Not yet!" before she finished the shaking motion, and (gently enough) take the cinnamon away from her.

They were good!  We got to share them with some sweet friends who came by on their way home from work.  They work at the church but left early because of the bad weather we were having.  They live around the corner from us and it was fun to have some surprise company.


We also discovered that Eliana is good, cheap entertainment when you're stuck inside for days because of ice in Dallas, Texas.

Such a huge amount of ice in Dallas?!  Shocking.

I have weird children. 

I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised about that. 

On that wonderful note, I will bid you adieu.  I know you'll be anticipating Part II.

(I promise, no more pictures of me.)

Reader Comments (3)

Oh Christina. I have SUCH a sugar withdrawal headache today and the pictures of those rolls are KILLING me!

March 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMindee@ourfrontdoor

What great memories. I love the one with the huge glasses. Too cute. :)

March 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarla

We do PW's cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning--soooooo good!!!! Mm. Now I wanna make some. It's actually a good thing they are so time consuming to make--keeps it down to once a year!

March 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElle Bee

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