For God So Loved The World

It was a festival week. The children of Israel were celebrating the Passover.
The Passover. There was a time when God had moved among their ancestors in order to free them from slavery in Egypt. God had provided the Israelites a way to escape judgment and death, which were coming to the land where they were being held captive. He had instructed them through Moses to slaughter a lamb for each household, to take the blood of the lamb and put some above the door frame and along the sides of the doors of each house, and then to roast and eat the lamb. God was going to pass through the land of Egypt and take the life of the first-born in each household, except the ones covered with the blood of the lamb.
God gave the Israelites a substitute, a life for a life. The lamb's blood was shed, and the Israelites' blood was not shed. The blood of the lamb covered the Israelites and protected them from the wrath of a righteous God.
The Passover was an annual celebration, a week of commemorating the awesome way God had intervened in the history of this people. This particular Passover was going to be different, though. There would be blood shed again. The blood of the Lamb. Providing a way for a people to escape judgment and death.
God gave us a substitute, a life for a life. The Lamb's blood was shed, and our blood does not have to be shed. The blood of the Lamb covers and protects us from the wrath of a righteous God.
I will remember. As the blood was spread over the tops and sides of the doorframes, Jesus' hands were spread across a wooden beam. His body was broken, his blood was poured out, his life was given.
Unlike the lamb of the first Passover Jesus was fully aware of what he would do in obedience to his Father. He knew his Father's love, he loved those his Father had given to him, and he willingly laid down his life for those who were his. He saw the suffering that was to come, and yet he saw the joy that was beyond that suffering. He was beaten, he bled and died, because he loved us. He loves us still.
Hebrews 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Reader Comments (3)
And I am so thankful he died for us! :) Beautiful post, Christina. :)
So well written Christina, thank you!
One of my favorite verses! It's not popular to talk about the wrath of God, is it? So I thank you for proclaiming the whole truth!