Picture Christian, Picture Me...Be Very Afraid

Christian and I? We are a complicated couple of people. Put us together and you get...quite a combination.
This is why I treasure moments which result in a lot of laughs.
We were waiting in the car for Mike and Michaela. Christian had unstrapped his seat belt, and was loose in the car. He was antagonizing Eliana. For torture purposes, I took out my camera. He was quick though, and managed to leap into the back of the van. We played peek-a-boo for a while, as he popped his head around the side of Eliana's seat like a cuckoo in a clock and I tried to take pictures of him before he disappeared again.
I got a few blurry shots of his face, and more than a few of the seat and the very top of his head and his fingers curled around the seat.
Then I put my camera away. But I got out my phone. With the touch of an icon on the screen I flipped the viewer so that it was taking pictures of what was on the screen side of the phone, my side of the phone. Christian did not know this.
When he discovered what I was doing, a new game ensued.
There he goes again!
Vanished from my sight!
Laughing hysterically, trying to hide from the phone on the camera.
But then he came up with a new plan, a scheme that would bring about...
Oh, yes. Pain, and dread, and fear. Beware of the games you play with an eight-year-old boy. Beware!

Reader Comments (5)
Okay, that looks like fun and a great use of technology. :)
Those boys are so good at finding ways to torture us! You guys look like a load of fun!!!
Hilarious! I should have so much fun waiting in a van. Good job!
Hahah!! What a good sport. o)
hi!!!! Love those fun and wacky pictures!!!