Time to Play Ball! And Not Just for the Rangers!

The other day we were gifted with tickets to another Rangers game. It turned out that Mike was not able to go, so I took the kids myself. The tickets couldn't get wasted, right?
We headed to the ballpark really early, after grabbing some Chick-Fil-A and some water bottles.
We were there so early that we headed over to a space behind Center Field called The Game Stop (I may have made that name up...I'm not sure) where the kids got to hang out and do kid-sized baseball stuff.
Tattoos are an integral part of the game. There are a lot of tatts in baseball.
Christian ended up with no less than three. All removable. We'll worry about the other kind later.
They each had a turn up at bat. What Christian lacks in making contact with the ball he makes up for with style.
Michaela is a more understated batter. This is fitting, I think.
She hit almost every pitch!
Speaking of pitching, Christian tried that out next. There is a mitt that you aim for at the end of this lane, and a speed counter (tracker? Whatever.) His pitches were clocked at 29 mhp. He came off the "mound" smiling and said,"That's pretty fast for an eight-year-old!"
This kids' area is on the opposite side of the field from our seats, which were behind the dugout again. So, after they played for a bit we went to our seats for the beginning of the game. We saw the first pitch! I don't think that has ever happened before. (Anyone surprised?)
The Rangers played really well; the pitching was good and the batters were not only getting hits but runs.
I promised the kids we could head back over to the game area, so we did. Eliana got in on the action this time.
She was a little shy at first but it didn't take long for her to want to run from activity to activity just as though she were ten too.
I'm pretty sure that Christian did each thing at least six times. I did something we wouldn't normally do, and paid for an all-you-can-play bracelet for the two big kids. I am confident that I got my money's worth. They had a blast. (A kind gentleman who worked there gave me some vouchers for Eliana, so she didn't feel left out! That was a great bonus!)
I asked the kids if we could go sit back down for a bit, and just before we headed back over we saw that the bases were loaded. Between a hit here and a walk there, we got a couple of runs; at some point there was a home-run and they shot off some fireworks. No grand slam at this game, but it sure is fun to see so many players moving around the bases!
The Rangers are in the white uniforms.
As we rounded the corner to get back to our seats we noticed that everyone else was heading our way. As in, away from their seats. I thought that was odd, and then I noticed through the opening into the stadium that it was pouring! I had left a small cooler type bag down at our seats so we had to fight our way through the crowd to go get it. It was raining hard at that point, and the kids thought it was hysterical to be there in the rain. The field crew (?) were covering the field with a giant tarp and those in charge had delayed the game (they started it back up about an hour later). Since it was already so late, 9:00pm, I figured we ought to head home. Just as we were starting back up the steps we heard the loudest thunder crack I have ever heard. I actually jumped on the step, and am hoping that there wasn't a camera on me at that moment as I'm sure I had a crazy look on my face. We turned and hustled up the steps as quick as one of those batters trying to make it to first on a bunt.
We got to the car, soaked but happy. It was a blast, and we are so grateful for these opportunities to do such fun things together. And as always, we are looking forward to the next game! (I think I am looking forward to it the most!)
Reader Comments (5)
I love that the kids thought it was such a fun adventure. They are the coolest kids ever : )
I love these pictures you shot because it looks like it was overcast out. Overcast days produce stellar images. I hope you find some pretty light soon. Love, Becky
You are a changed woman! That is all I will say. Oh, and Christian has teeth!
Becky, thank you so much! And I will keep looking!
Wendy, you can be sure that the Purell was flowing! :)
Soooooo . . . Mike was not along and you were there on time. Does this mean we can blame Mike for lateness issues? That's totally what I would do with that kind of "proof." ;)
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