I'm Just a Girl Who Loves Baseball

Seriously, I am not trying to turn "five walkers" into a baseball blog. But I love the game! And we keep going to see the Rangers! And when we're not actually at the ballpark I'm watching the games on TV!
I believe I am a fan.
I am pretty sure that is short for fanatic. So, yep, that would be me.
This time we went to see Tobymac in a pregame concert; this event was sponsored by the I Am Second movement (campaign?).
We arrived a bit late on the scene and were very far away from the stage, but it was still an experience for the kids. I wish they could have seen what was going on a little bit better. Michaela thought it was cool to hear one song that we hear on the radio. Mike and I thought it was funny to hear songs that we listened to in college. Almost twenty years ago. Um, I felt old. And goofy.
After the concert we headed to the ballpark. Our seats were decidedly not behind the dugout this time.
They call this the nosebleed section, but I call it the wind-blows-everyone's-peanut-shell-debris-on-you section. Ick.
Unfortunately we discovered that as far as baseball games go our attendance is not a majority-rules decision. It was, actually, more like the game itself...three strikes and you're out! Three outs and you're done! With two fussers it didn't take long for our team (that would be the Walkers, not the Rangers) to be retired. We left the game earlier than we anticipated and watched the end of it at home.
There is something to be said about seeing the game from the comforts of your house where the ice cream cost about 1/16 the price, and minus the peanut shell chaff in your hair.
Baseball! Did I mention that I love this game?

Reader Comments (3)
I have a secret crush on Toby Mac so even I - a decided non-sports fan - would have gone to that game with you!
And I hear you on the "feeling old at a concert" sensation. I felt just this side of ancient at the bar the other night.
what song? I have his "made to love" song on my super cool IPod
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