One Month

Goodness. It has been one month since I wrote a blog post. I cannot even believe that. I have many things I'd like to document and share! We went on a vacation with friends and then had my parents here. We have watched a LOT of baseball (mainly because I commandeer the TV each night and do not allow anyone to change the channel) (the exception to that was during the NBA finals, which EXCITMENT!).
Mike and I need to talk about buying a new car. I need to do the dishes (but I probably won't until the morning). I just wanted to hop on here for a minute and say that if anyone still stops by from time to time I hope to have a new post (that is worth reading!) up soon.
And I can't believe I haven't blogged in a month!

Reader Comments (5)
Can't wait to hear all about it!
Missed you! Glad you're back.
I was wondering about you! :o) month! Did I push you with my reminder on FB...hehe! You can't imagiine how many times I actually laugh out loud the way that you tell stories with such humor and honesty. That's what I love about're not afraid to talk about your faults. We ALL have them you bunches!
P.S Keep the pictures/captions seeing the kiddo's and how much they're growing!