Family Vacation

Get ready for a pictorial extravaganza. And because I'm chatty on the internet, also prepare for a lot of words.
The five Walkers met up with some of our best friends from seminary for a visit on the Gulf Coast. We started out as a group made up of three families. These ladies are some of my favorite people in the world, and here is how we spent our time: laughing, feeding children, laughing, doing laundry, laughing, eating doughnuts, laughing, doing more laundry, laughing, driving, and laughing.
Did I mention that we laughed?
Speaking of laughs, this little one was full of them.
She was full of laughs herself and gave us plenty of cause for laughter. She and Eliana hit it off right away and were very busy with many things (as you will soon see...remember-pictorial extravaganza).
This is her dad. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He didn't mind me taking pictures of him. In fact, he would smile for me! Bonus!
While the moms were having margaritas the little girls went the more formal and ladylike route. A tea party.
They had their tiaras on. The three of us seemed to have forgotten time, I suppose.
After spending several days in the home of our friends we relocated to a house not too far away that accomodated all of our families, including one more that came in a little later than the others. It's funny how comfy these kids were no matter where we were. It was like they were best friends and saw each other all the time.
The three big girls have known one another since they were about two. That blows my mind. I'm pretty sure they had a lot of fun. King size poster beds often lead to a lot of fun when you're a kid.
Probably when you're a grown-up, too, but this is a family blog, so...onto other things.
Hey! We went on a boat! There were doughnuts; that's always good.
We were on a bigger boat and Mike and one of our friends (the one driving the smaller boat; also the one who knows people with boats) drove behind us to one of our destinations during this trip.
Mike really enjoyed that. He hasn't been on a boat like that in a long time, and it was great fun for him to chop through the water again.
Once we got near this island where we were going to hang out for the day, our friend took several loads of folks over until everyone was transferred.
And then we had fun.
I took pictures while everyone galavanted in the water. Here are two of my beautiful friends.
They laugh at my stupid antics. I love them.
The kids had a blast. They were soooo busy. The boys noticed this giant log in the water and determined to roll it onto the beach.
It was hard work!
They got it to a certain point, but I think once it was on the sand it got very difficult. A Strong Dad stepped in to help.
The sweet taste of victory!
There were all kinds of things for them to explore. They never stopped; they found sticks, made piles, dug, threw sand, flung seaweed, made stuff out of garbage, and swam.
It's pretty cool to watch them be so creative. (I just pretended I didn't know about the garbage part.)
They are cute, too.
I hope these girls get to hang out over the years and remain good friends. How special will that be?!
After a couple of hours we headed back on the big boat to get back to the big house for dinner. The steady rhythm of the boat cutting through the water lulled more than one person to sleep on our return trip.
The rest of us were enjoying the ride from the front of the boat. I have such great friends! And such big nostrils!
The kids loved their front row seats.
Once we got back to our place, they immediately began to play. What else would they do?
The fourth family joined us on that evening, and we geared up for another couple of days of catching up and partying hard.
Well, as hard as you party when you're in your mid-thirties and have a total of twelve kids to see to in the morning...

Reader Comments (4)
Looks like a lot of fun. I often feel sad that we live far away from my good friends who have kids around Harper's age. I wish we lived closer to them so that Harper and their kids could all grow up together. This is good inspiration to take group vacations, though.
Yay! You're back! It looks like you've spent your time well. That looks like such a fun trip. The tea party picture is precious.
Wow that looked like so much fun!!
It looks like you all had a lot of fun! Can't wait until we get to the beach next week!