Family Vacation Resumed

The evening that we returned from our boating expedition the fourth family arrived. This brought the total number of kids up to twelve. We tried to convince them that it was bedtime around 7:00 but they didn't fall for that. They're getting too smart for us. We ended up taking them for a late (for them) visit to the ocean.
We hoped that would help get them good and tired, and ready for sleeping! Most of the kids went to bed easily. The big girls didn't put up a fight or anything, they just stayed up late talking. They got that ability honest.
The next morning came bright and early, mainly because none of the bedrooms had real window treatments. Have you ever heard of such a thing? In a vacation rental house? Zero blinds, curtains, shades, or even storm shutters to close on the outside! (In the interest of non-hyperbole, there were four windows in each bedroom [I think that's right] and two of the four had nothing; the other two windows had some kind of minimalist covering, like a sheery curtain or something else highly effective at (NOT) blocking out the morning light.) None of us could believe it. But believing was mandatory since the kids sensed the faintest glimmer of the smallest trace of the slightest rays of the forthcoming sun, and were up before it was even light outside. I personally can't complain too much since I have a child who slept through the sunrise. There were other parents there that were not as fortunate (I'm sorry to say I'm a bum and didn't get up along with those parents to join in their suffering. I'm pretty sure their misery did not want my getting-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn company.)
Thankfully, the kids were happy early risers.
And honestly, can one not be happy while sitting on a Twister mat? I don't think it's possible.
One of the bummers about the place we stayed (ha, other than the windows not being covered...can you tell that bugged me?) was the pool that was not usable. The pool had been the big draw for us because not only was the house large enough for everyone but there was private swimming! Sweet! Unless the pool is green. Then...not so sweet. So we ended up taking the kids down the way to a local splash park. They had just as much fun. It's amazing how adaptable most kids are...where there is water, there is screaming, laughing, and, of course, splashing.
The "ship's sails" which filled up with water and then suddenly flipped and spilled all over whoever was standing below were a huge hit. The kids knew it was coming...waited and waited...waited some more...the anticipation grew...and finally SPLASH! Hysterical laughter ensued. Every time.
Before we left the park we corralled them onto this jungle gym and got a group shot. Pretty good for twelve children, I think! It makes me happy to look at it. I hope we get to take a picture like this every couple of years. (I'll settle for every few...I'm easy to please!)
That afternoon we let the kids chill and watch a movie. Then they ran around just hanging out. So fun to watch.
What was not fun to watch was Eliana screaming and jumping around until my friends realized that she was getting attacked by fire ants and started swatting them off of her while stripping her down to nothing. The ants were in her suit, in her shoes, all over her ankles. She was finally undressed and de-anted and I held her for a few minutes until she calmed down and her clothes and shoes were shaken out thoroughly. I was impressed that she let us put them back on her! After she was dressed again I couldn't help but think that while I was not glad AT ALL that she had been bitten so badly by those little demons, I was grateful that I had not been attacked getting naked in the front yard where everyone was hanging out was not what I wanted our good friends to remember about the last night of our stay.
The last night was here so soon! We intended to soak up every minute of one another's company, too.
For our final meal the men gave the ladies a break and took dinner preparation upon themselves, from start to finish.
A shrimp boil.
And you cannot have a shrimp boil without these guys...
The shrimp and the deheaders.
The boys helped pull shrimp heads off. I stayed around long enough to document it and then hauled booty back inside, where it was cool, and free from dead animals.
Christian had a great time helping prepare the meal, and took lessons on eating the shrimp from his experienced friends.
I think that life should be lived this way...all together. I loved our time with these folks.
I don't have anything in particular to say about this next picture except HOW CUTE?!
As the sun began to drop we took advantage of the light one last time, as well as of the steps of this house.
After behaving (mostly) for several shots they were allowed to do their silly faces. Where do they get this stuff?
Never mind that last question.
We stayed up too late playing Bananagrams and talking about and laughing at things that I can only imagine not many pastors and their wives bring up. I'm so glad for these friends. I am so blessed to know and be known by these people. I am very grateful that our relationships are rooted in and grow out of the Lord and his church. That means that they really are forever friends.

Reader Comments (6)
Christina, I think you win in that last picture!
I want a shrimp boil NOW.
Not at all likely in Nebraska.
Looks like a wonderful time! Oooh shrimp are nasty .:)
Wendy, I think I always win. No contest.
Mindee, I highly recommend the kind of shrimp boil that includes the men preparing everything. :)
Taylor, The shrimp are particularly nasty before they are cooked! They look terrible. And give me the willies. But...the consensus was that they were delicious post-seasoning/cooking!
I love sprinklers. And shrimp. And adorable step photo shoots.
I love so much about this blog...long lasting friendships, sharing, being together AND laughing. I'm so glad you had a good time. Of course, I always love your photo's and captions! Oh, BTW, you definitley won the silly face contest (but you should have flared your nostrils!!) I LOVE YOU!