A Silver Lining

Benefits of an extended stay in the hospital
You don't have to do the laundry
Someone is cooking your meals
There are no dirty dishes in your sink
No fighting crowds at the grocery store after work
You don't have to vacuum
You don't have to get gas in twenty degree weather or rain
Someone else is cleaning your toilet (at least we hope so) (and we hope it is not the same person who is cooking your meals)
Taking out the trash is someone else's job
You can read (my blog) anytime you want
An artillery of prayers advance on your behalf daily
This post is in honor of my mom's friend Jan. She has been through a lot during her life. On top of all that she has experienced, she is now fighting for her life. She and her family are in need of a lot of prayers. And a liver would be very helpful. If you are a pray-er, I know they would appreciate your supplication.

Reader Comments (5)
I will definitely be sending pryers and positive thoughts her way!
We'll be praying.
So sorry to hear about her health struggles. Sending her and her family warm, healing thoughts.
I'm sorry. I hope she gets well soon!
Just prayed for Jan.