While We're on the Subject

Since I've asked for prayers for our sweet friend Jan, I would also like to ask if you would pray for my mom. She is having knee surgery tomorrow (Wednesday, February 22). She and Jan like to do everything together!
In all seriousness, my hope is that the surgery will enable her to get back in the business of getting healthy again; her knee troubles have been a significant impediment to exercise for some time now. And the pain doesn't just keep her from exercising; it affects her everyday life, just walking around, which she has to do a lot of for work. After all of her therapy and recuperation, she will be able to get on the Exercise Horse that I am chasing. Maybe between the two of us we can catch it. We'll be getting in shape together!
It's like going to the bathroom...girls just don't want to do that all by themselves.
By the way, Mom, I laughed and laughed yesterday because Michaela had a "Grandma Moment"...just like this one. Love and miss you, and I wish I could bring dinner by tomorrow or the next day. Or both. And more.

Reader Comments (7)
I will definitely keep your mom in my prayer through her surgery tomorrow and during her recovery. Keep chasing that horse and you will catch it!
I'll be praying. Keep us updated.
I hope the surgery goes well-I have had five knee surgeries. :( I hope she has a speedy recovery!
PS-thanks for informing me of my typo! Yikes! ha
Thinking of your mom today! I hope the surgery goes smoothly and allows her to have much better ease of motion going forward.
Oh your poor mom! I hope the surgery goes well and she is up on that Exercise Horse in no time!
Oh I really like your mom! I'm sorry about the knee pain, and you're right - it's such a vicious circle. It hurts so you don't exercise which makes it hurt so you don't exercise so . . .
This is my story! I ignored my knees for 6 years and just didn't squat because it hurt. As a result my leg muscles atrophied. Then I got fat. Only now, after getting my knees fixed by orthopedic inserts am I on my exercise horse. I know how your mom must feel! It really, really does make a difference to have your knees back. Will pray for her surgery!