
Life is messy. Things get all tangled up, like so many sleeves and pants legs and towels, and it seems impossible to sort them out.
Sometimes there is pain, a wound that is fresh and raw. It hurts to get cleaned up.
It seems like everything is in pieces. The pieces all go together to make something, but at any given moment that something is broken. A work in progress.
There is always work to be done; studying relationships remains one of the most important endeavors. Striving to create a space to study can be exhausting.
History teaches us more than we are often willing to learn. We plug in, and we yearn for a simpler time, all at once.
Life stacks up. Where are we headed? Where have we been? Where is my other shoe?
Then things fall into place all of a sudden, and clean laundry gets put away by the end of the day.
Snuggles and smiles make for a happy ending. Sometimes.

Reader Comments (5)
Awww - this was sweet. And so true of relationships. I think understanding that - that there will be negativity and frustration and growth in there with the good - is really important; so many people head into relationships thinking that it will be roses and candy all day, every day... that it won't take work... that they should all reach some ideal of perfection someday... And I think that sets a lot of people up for failure.
Homemaking as a metaphor for life. I like it.
so true. These could have been pictures from my house! I love the little journey through your home.
Great post, Christina! Loved it :)