Watch for Webs Woven Where We Walk, Unaware...

Have you seen the movie Entrapment? And, in particular, the scene (maybe two, actually) in which Catherine Zeta-Jones' character gracefully and perfectly weaves her way through, or under and over, a web of laser beams?
Let's just say that I am NOT Catherine Zeta-Jones.
More like a blind fly that encountered a sticky, well-placed web of a boobytrap.
I had raced down the stairs and suddenly found myself twisted up in what is a normally innocuous material, however, Christian had set up an intricate network which did not fail to catch an intruder. Even one who watched as it was created. The yarn caught me in the face, I gasped, spun around, and was thrown back towards the steps. I could hardly breathe. Don't worry. It's not because I was nearly decapitated. I was just choking on my own laughter.

Reader Comments (4)
That is just like something that I would do. Even when I know things are tere, I find myself caught by surprise. I bet he had so much fun setting that up and he probably love it that you got caught in it!
THAT is funny!
Looks like our house!