I'm Walkin' To New Orleans

Okay, I'm actually flying, but...I am headed out of town with some girlfriends, and I am very excited about our trip. I don't even know what is on the agenda as far as sightseeing or attractions. I do know that laughter, laughter, some laughter, a bunch of laughter, followed by some laughter, and dessert are on the agenda. The last time I was with these three ladies we laughed so hard and so much. I miss them because they live in other parts of the country, but getting to spend this time with them is so refreshing. It is also likely to make me wet my pants, but I will forgive them for that. I hope they will forgive me for that.
I have some things to take care of tonight! I haven't even packed yet. (Is anyone surprised? No? Of course you aren't.) I was planning on making at least one meal for Mike to have on hand in order to feed the family while I'm away, so I need to do that. He is keeping the kids, after all. I have some laundry to finish up, so he doesn't need to mess with or worry about that. I was going to make some cupcakes, but...yeah. I'm not SuperWoman. I think it is likely that he will get doughnuts one morning. I personally think that he should. (I would totally do that if he were going out of town. And not just so that more doughnuts for me!)
Since I'm mainly procrastinating here, I don't have a great ending for this post. Hope the week is a great one for you all, and unlike Fats Domino, I'll be back from New Orleans by Saturday.

Reader Comments (4)
Sounds great! Have lots of fun!
I love New Orleans! I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time there especially the company of your dear friends. Can't wait until you tell us about it!
I've never been there. Can't wait to hear about your adventures.
I expect pictures of moss covered trees.