What I Learned Today
Last night Mike and I, in a roundabout way (per usual for us), decided that we would attend the sunrise Easter service. Also known as the service that starts at 6:30.
As in, a.m.
As in, while it's still dark outside.
Do you know me? I don't like to be awake at 10a.m. Much less early enough to get Christian ready for school. Much less while it is still what I consider to be the middle of the night. But I was determined that we were going to go to the service. We said we were going to do it; it was important to me that we followed through.
I won't lie. I tried to talk myself out of leaving the house at such a seemingly unreasonable time this morning. My alarm went off for the first time at 5a.m. Then at 5:15. I lay in bed thinking about all the reasons I should stay put: the kids went to bed much later than they should have, Mike and I went to bed much later than we should have, wildcats might be prowling around, the moon was the main source of light at the time. Around 5:47, I stuck my feet out of the bed and told myself to get serious.
Long story short, we made it out the door. We were a little later than we should have been, but as I drove nearer to the park where the service was being held, I thought I would have no problem finding a parking space. I was then blown away by all the cars that were already there, the many people who were still walking over to the park from the neighborhood, and the amazing crowd that had gathered in the field across the street from our church building. I found a relatively near parking space and hustled the kids over to the grassy expanse that was spread wide with beach towels, picnic blankets, and camp chairs. People were in suits, sweats, and jammies. (So, only kids were in jammies, unless you count the yoga pants. Which, if I had worn, would totally be my jammies.)
The band that leads our contemporary service was singing one of my favorite praise songs (modern day hymns?). Christ Is Risen From the Dead...it is a powerful one for me.
(An excerpt)
Christ is risen from the dead
We are one with Him again
Come awake, come awake
Come and rise up from the grave
O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your victory?
O church, come stand in the light
The glory of God has defeated the night
This was wonderful to hear and sing as we stood watching the dawn slowly arise, the light almost imperceptibly, but decidedly, conquering the darkness.
The story of my morning was being played out right before my eyes. "Come awake, come awake...come stand in the light...!"
Earlier, as I walked out of our front door with the kids, who were running for the car, in the dark, the moon was looming lustily behind hazy clouds. There were no stars, there was no hint of the sun. The hour before dawn surrounded me, and I felt like it was a friend. There was a warmth in the air, but also a coolness. I was actually excited to be outside.
This does not happen to me!
As the morning came on, and we could see the sun over the tips of the trees across the way, I thought about all that had happened that morning, from the downright happy drive over to the church to the bull's-eye message.
And do you know what I thought? You might want to sit down. I thought that getting up at 6-ish felt good, and was even good for me.
What I also thought around three hours later, when it was only 9am but felt like 3:30 in the afternoon, is that getting up at 6-ish is not good for the kids. At least not on the first day. They? Were struggling to survive, with short tempers, harsh tones, and sometimes tears.
But what I learned about myself is that I not only am able to get up before it's rush-around-like-a-rabbit-on-crack time, I enjoy it. Maybe it's going too far to say that I enjoy it, as if I enjoy it all the time. Maybe I should start out slow and say I enjoyed it. But, you know me...all or nothing.
Wait. Let's not get carried away, here.
I'll say this...I will likely try it again. Maybe even tomorrow. And Christian doesn't even have school!
Look, Christ rose up from the dead, so...pretty much anything is possible. As Jay (the pastor at the sunrise service) said, the same Spirit that was hovering over the waters at the beginning of time as we know it, that same Spirit that breathed life into man, that same Spirit that raised Christ up from the depths of the grave is waking me up. Or rather breathing life into me. That is some power. Let us avail ourselves of it.
Reader Comments (3)
Yeah, it's the getting out of bed that's the hard part. Once you make it out the door, that time of day is wonderful. I like sunrise service - I'm so glad you made it.
You just need to get to the coffee . . . then everything will be ok. :)
This is really cool. Not only was I laughing during some parts, but I could totally feel what it was like to be up at that hour and how amazing it was just by your words.