Fitness Friday: Fight

Ever since the 5K fiasco, I have been in a battle with myself to keep up the exercises I had so faithfully started. This week was better, although my knees feel odd some days, so I have not been as diligent with the video as I was when I first began it. I believe I followed the video all but two days (and it may have just been all but mind, sometimes it fails me), and I jogged every day (one day, it was so hot that I did a pretty short loop, and another day it was so hot that I took off on my jog, but had to walk much sooner than I usually do).
I got back on track with my eating. I am trying to eat a high protein breakfast, and then small, mostly protein snacks. I allow myself some indulgences, because...hello! I'm Christina! If I said to myself,"No sweets for you!" well, the next thing you know, I'm at Sonic with a milkshake in each hand and a whipped cream mustache, looking like a deer caught in headlights. I bought some dried cherries at Sam's (I read online that dried cherries are really good for you after a workout, so it must be true), and I eat a small (less than 1/4 cup) portion with a tablespoon of dark chocolate morsels mixed in. Seriously? It's like eating chocolate covered cherries, but I actually think it's better. I also had about a tablespoon of vanilla ice cream a couple of times, with blueberries on top. Delicious!! Overall, I think I'm behaving.
I officially started the 30 Day Shred over tonight. Since I finished the first 30 days, I have been skipping around, doing Level 1 and then Level 3, and maybe Level 3 two times, and then taking a day off. This time, I am going to take some measurements (I didn't do that last time) and see if there are any more changes. As I said before, I know I've lost inches (an inch?) (I really don't know exactly) because I can wear pants that I could not even pull up six months ago. I am talking about couldn't pull up past my thighs, and now I can pull them up, button and wear them without looking like I am headed to audition for Jersey Shore.
(Truth: I would definitely need [How to put it?] some surgery in a particular upper area if ever I were to go that route.)
I hope none of that sounds obnoxious. I don't mean to be. I am excited because there have been changes, and I have worked pretty hard for them. If I spent as much time cleaning my house and doing laundry as I do exercising, then there would probably be some changes around the outside of me that would benefit us all. On both counts, it's going to be a fight to the finish. I hope I'm the last one standing. And my biceps are bigger.

Reader Comments (4)
You don't sound obnoxious, you SHOULD be proud of your accomplishment! What you've done is HUGE and inspiring!
YAY!!! I am SO very proud of you! Seriously, that's a really great accomplishment. And you MUST measure - having inches will make it all the more impressive!
Good for you! You are the bee's knees!
I want to be the last one standing, too! I'm on stand-by until my knee gets better. Wah.