I've Taken Pictures But Haven't Written About Them

I take photos and think,"I'll write a quick post about today," but inevitably I get distracted. Or more accurately, I watch baseball.
Now I am going to post picture after picture after picture. It will be fun for the grandparents, if no one else.
Mike and I have been playing a couple of word games against one another. He's winning. He always says how I'm crushing him, but...the records show that he has been the victor much more often than I.
Christian = builder
Eliana = ham
She spent a long time trying to stand up on the swing, and finally accomplished her goal.
Have I mentioned that she is persistent? Sometimes, that is a good thing. Sometimes? It drives me half-past insane.
Christian likes to pretend that he's tough.
And that he doesn't like for me to take his picture.
He secretly does.
This is her Elvis impersonation.
Or she was trying to wink. Yes, that is probably it.
I just like taking pictures of her.
I can look at her sweet face at the end of a day and think,"All right, in spite of the fact that she is...hmm, persistent (read: a STINKER), she is precious."
What says summer like a wiped out kid on the couch in the middle of the afternoon, with scraped up knees and rosy cheeks?
See how darling she is?
Especially when she's sleeping...

Reader Comments (5)
Hi! This is my first time taking a peek at your blog. I had to laugh at the grandparent comment. I get it... What a lovely little family you have. I have a little guy who just turned 9 and was convinced that milkshakes were terrbible-horrible-no-good-very-bad. Until he tried one 6 months ago. Now we can't keep him away. :) My 4 year old daughter seems like she might just have a similar disposition to your little one. I'll definitely be checking back often!
So cute! Can't wait to see you guys!
I love seeing pictures of your sweet family!
Looks like your summer is going adorably! And now I have a sudden urge to try out an Elvis impersonation.
I love how you have eyes to see your kids.