3-2-1 Contact!

Michaela had an eye appointment this morning. Since her glasses have given her headaches for a while now (like, as long as she's been wearing glasses), we thought it was time to check into contacts. The eye doctor recommended age 12, but was okay with giving it a shot, since she seemed ready and willing (not hesitant).
After her regular eye exam, he went to get the contacts; he wanted to put them in the first time, just to be quick and check the fit. She was very brave when it came time for him to stick his fingers near her eye! The contacts seemed to irritate her eyes at first, and he thought maybe she had gotten something in her eyes, some lint? It kind of made me laugh on the inside, because he's the one who was handling the contacts! He was very nice, though, and I think that made all the difference. A kind person can help ease nervousness when encountering a new situation like this...not that it was scary, but definitely something to get used to!
They fit fine, and he sent her to the assistant for, well, assistance in taking them out and putting them back in. The assistant was young and cute, and matter-of-fact while still being patient and encouraging. I thought she did a good job. She explained how to pull the bottom lid down with one finger and then pinch the contact with the thumb and first finger. I have never done this! I have always used two hands! I asked her if they usually taught people to use one hand, and she said they start out with that, and if it doesn't work out, they pursue a two-handed removal. (She didn't actually say those words, but that was the gist.)
Well. Michaela did it after just a few tries. The assistant was sitting across from her, telling her that she had pulled the contact down and that she just needed to pinch it, or she just needed to pinch it harder. She used just the right tone of voice, though. Once Michaela got both of the contacts out, she had to practice putting them back in, also with one hand.
Again! I have never done this! I was amazed when she did it, right off the bat! (Baseball! It's everywhere!) She only had to do it that one time, and then we were done! By the time I was paying at the front desk, she said they were no longer itchy or feeling irritated. And she wore them the rest of the day!
There are a lot of exclamation points in that paragraph, but that goes to show just how impressed I was with her!
When we were standing at the desk waiting to pay, she asked,"Do I look weird?" I said,"No! You look like Michaela!" The truth is, she looks older. I thought that was true after she returned from the Mendenhall mission trip, and now without her glasses, she looks even more grown up.
Even though she doesn't look like this anymore...
she's still my first baby girl.

Reader Comments (3)
How exciting! I wish Hayden would wear his contacts. He wore them through most of sixth grade and then decided that they were too much bother but I love to see his "whole" face.
Looking forward to future pictures of your glassesless girl.
That's so exciting! Also, I always removed my contacts with one hand and am now trying to figure out how you'd do it with two!
Flash back 25 years to a young girl from Alexandria visiting her camp friend in Richmond. The young girl from Richmond was not allowed to leave the store until she could put her contacts in independently. It was a long afternoon. Cheers to her daughter, who beat mama handedly!!!