A Little Story About Waffle Fries

Wednesday nights the kids have Bible study, which includes dinner for them, so I don't cook dinner. Usually, Mike and I just make-do, or sometimes I'll pick up Chick-Fil-A for Eliana and since I'm weak, I get some for myself. And then poor Mike just has to make-do. For the past few weeks, Mike and I have also been at the church on Wednesdays for the marriage book study. Tonight, after I sent the kids to their respective studies, I dropped Eliana off in the child care and zipped up to the Chick-Fil-A a few blocks away to get her dinner. I called Mike on my way there and he asked if I could get him something to eat. I wanted to get myself a soda, and he told me I could just have the soda that came with his meal.
I bought the food and headed back to church. Since Eliana doesn't usually eat all of her meal (and she had eaten a bowl of cereal not too long before we left home), I ate one of her nuggets and stuck several of the waffle fries in the box with the rest of the nuggets. I figured she could definitely eat as much as was in the box, and she would likely not eat more than that. I am not about to waste a perfectly good waffle fry. I put the rest of the fries along with two more nuggets in the bag with Mike's food, dropped her meal off, and ran to the other end of the building for our meeting time.
(I only run in church when my kids aren't with me.)
I was a couple of minutes late, so Mike and I divvied up the food as quietly as we could. Paper bags are very loud when you are supposed to be quiet. And listening to a speaker. We weren't the only ones with food, since the study takes place right at dinnertime. At any rate, he had his chicken strips, I ate my couple of nuggets, and put Eliana's small bag of fries (what was left of them) on the napkin in front of me. Before I could eat one, Mike switched his large fry with my small fry.
Y'all. I love Chick-Fil-A's waffle fries. Once, I bought a nugget meal to split with Eliana and before we even pulled out of the drive-through she said,"Can I have a fry, before you eat them all?" My reputation is well-known. I don't like to share the food I love.
It was just a small thing, but I thought it was a sweet picture of, and a physical and tangible example of, one of the core admonitions that we are reading about in this book. Do you want to know the best part? Before I put everything in the bags after I rearranged food, I took one of the waffle fries out of the top of the fries I was sharing with Eliana and put it in Mike's large fry container. It was one of the waffle fry butts. You know what I'm talking about...it had skin on one side. Who likes those? I make myself eat them most of the time, but I have a strategy that makes them seem less...dry? Crunchy? I don't know what it is, but they are not so yummy. So, when I saw Mike switching the fries at our table, I laughed to myself and thought,"That's what you get for giving him the waffle fry butt!"
But it wasn't there. He had already eaten it. He ate that one fry and then gave me the rest. It made me smile.

Reader Comments (3)
How sweet that he knows you so well! He's a keeper!!!
True love. :)
We don't have Chik-fil-a here. I don't really miss the chicken but you've given me a hankerin' for some waffle fries. I'd happily eat a waffle butt.
Any man who switches out the "good waffle fry" is totally a keeper. The end. ;)