A Lot of Words

Today my post is in the I'm Writing section. I actually wrote a very long-winded comment on Miz Booshay's blog as part of a discussion on Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. In fact, it was so lengthy that I had to post it as three separate comments.
I was embarrassed. But I hit publish anyway. Apparently, I have been provoked to some thoughts, and long to share them. Emphasis on the word long.
I am posting my thoughts on my site as well. I will have corrected a couple of errors that I made (Mistakes which drive me bonkers...I wish I could make them right in the original!!), and will add a few things that I would like to clarify or express more clearly.
Because 30,000 characters just isn't enough for me to have gotten a clear thought across...
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