"But Take Heart!"

Today marks the 68th year since Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged at Flossenburg Concentration Camp. I have been thinking about that morning today, and reflecting on the life he lived and the death that he faced so bravely.
The peace of God is
Well, words are difficult to describe adequately what the peace of God is. Is it something that can be spoken of? Peace can come when least expected, and then it is certainly most welcome; hopefully it will not be such a surprise. Jesus' final words to his disciples as recorded in John, before he prays, are,"'I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.'" This is his promise, his sure word!!
Reading these words, knowing what comes in the narrative following this time with his closest friends, feeling the sorrow for his abandonment, rejection, accusation, crucifixion, I still cannot help but feel lifted. This "take heart!" echoes and reverberates throughout ages and centuries in order to ring true in our own ears and to give us hope, and, of course, to give us peace.
Peace, then, we have. May you know it, be full of it, cling to it with hands that might be wrung weak, but with stubborn strength, a strength that comes from the Spirit, which was promised and who lives in us, speaking the truth to us.
"But take heart!"
I am certain that he was smiling when he said these words, in spite of his own grief, his great love for his beloved shining through again. My heart pounds to think of this smile, the smile of the Almighty God in flesh, the One who was and is and will be, there with them: Immanuel. A smile that reveals the power of God, the hope and mercy of God, the justice of God, the love of God, and the peace of God...what could be like a smile such as that?
One day we will see it, right there before us. What a day! What a day! Live in his peace until that glorious day!

Reader Comments (2)
I didn't realize that today marks the anniversary of Bonhoeffer's death. It's a mile-marker day for our family, too. Five years since dad finished the race and passed into glory. Ironically, I quoted Bonhoeffer.
Oh. My. Word! I just got chills considering the smile of The One who said "take heart!" It will be brilliant, spectacular, and awesome to see that smile in the flesh on the other side of Glory.