Oh, What Tangled Webs We Weave...

when we twist a comb around and around and around in our hair.
I heard Eliana call me from her room,"Mom! I need your help with something!" When I entered her room, I stopped in my tracks as I was greeted with this hair-do that would have made the beauty school drop-outs proud.
After about three minutes, she asked if I was almost done. Um...no.
I worked on that tangled mess for over an hour. I truly thought I was going to have to cut it out, which would have broken my heart. Fortunately, I am brilliant and I came up with a plan that eventually worked to wiggle the comb out of her hair and the hair off of the comb.
Looking at her hair, I thought I might never be able to brush it again.
But I was able to! It smoothed right out.
No more combs for you, little girl!
Especially not this one...
(What are we to make of this spidery, web-ish theme I've got going here? Ponderous...)
Reader Comments (1)
Ha! I love it!!! Especially poignant as I had to cut out the bottom 2 inches of Sweetgirl's hair last week. Since, um, she decided to give it a little cut herself. Oh scissors, how I detest thee!