While I Was Away...

Well. After laughing harder than I have in a very long time, balancing out the brownies and caramel pie with an equal amount of hummus, and sleeping just long enough to get me through the seven-hour drive home, I made it back. Let me tell you what my dear husband went through so that I could be with my friends for a few days.
Wednesday alone was the stuff parental breakdowns are made of. I got Christian to school, but after that, Mike was on his own. He took Michaela to piano, picked Christian up from school, took them all home, only to be back at church by 4pm for play rehearsal. Then he drove Eliana back over to a family friend's house so she didn't have to sit with him through a meeting. The big kids had Bible study after play rehearsal, and then went to the house of some friends near the church until after Mike's meeting was over. He picked them up, picked Eliana up, and got everyone to bed before midnight. Ha!
Thursday got crazier. "How is that possible?" you may ask. Throw in an unruly kidney stone, and get the makings of a TV drama. Some sweet family friends, Rex and Elaine, helped Mike by taking the kids and getting him to the ER. While Mike was being checked out, Elaine kept the kids overnight, and ended up getting them to school, to work, and just to her office (respectively speaking) (Michaela has a babysitting job on Friday mornings). He was at the hospital until at least 4:30am. Rex stayed with him.
For Friday I had made arrangements for the big kids to spend the night, since Mike had a meeting in Arlington today (Saturday) all day. Saturday morning he dropped Eliana off at her friend's house and went to his meeting. During the lunch break, he and a colleague went to lunch at a restaurant, where his truck window was smashed and someone stole his computer bag.
He deserves a vacation after this week. I'll have to see what I can arrange...

Reader Comments (2)
I am SO BEHIND in blog reading and then you go on a bloggin spree and leave me even more in the dust. :)
1) Glad Mike is ok
2) Your trip sounds like good medicine.
3) I'm glad you have such a good support system and that you let them support you!
I am so glad Mike is okay! Hubby had a kidney stone last year and they are just mean! And I'm glad you had a great trip, it sounds like it was good for your soul!