I'm Practically Asleep, But Here Goes...

I am already in bed. It is outrageously early for me to go to bed, but I was feeling loopy after dinner. I'm trying not to be a hypochondriac, but who am I kidding...I'm a total hypochondriac.
Maybe a good night's sleep will help. Since I'm not writing a real post, here are some things that have been on my mind and I hope to write about soon.
I will use my voice on behalf of those who do not have a voice. (Note: I am speaking of justice issues, not laryngitis sufferers.) More on this exciting topic soon.
Our house MUST get under control. That is final and no backtalk.
I miss having friends like I had in seminary, but the fact is, life like that just isn't my reality anymore. As special as it was, I need to live in the present, and invest in the women who are in my life today.
Now I must try to get some sleep. Monday is always a doozy, but the Monday after a vacation is especially good at tripping me up.
Reader Comments (2)
I hear you on that. I miss our seminary days of like-minded people all around. I knew at the time that it would end, and we still keep up with so many of those folks and derive such encouragement from them, but I do miss it too! It's much more lonely when you are in ministry without them, yes? But it helps us cling to one another for perspective and encouragement, I think.
I try to encourage the seminary families here to cultivate friendships now that will last them into the future when they are more isolated in their work in individual churches (and when everyone around them is not so interested in learning and growing and reading).
So, yes, I get that.
Friendships as adults, meaningful ones built on the common values of shared beliefs? They. Are. Stinkin'. Hard. Won. I'm praying you get one or two of those in real life soon, friend.