School With Mickuh-Eliana

Lately, every time I try to say Eliana's name, it comes out,"Mickuh-Eliana." My brain and my mouth aren't communicating very well. This kind of thing happens regularly; I say the opposite of what I mean to say. Hopefully my fingers and brain are in sync, so my typing will be accurate.
Working with Eliana today was fun.
After her reading lesson, we filled out some cards with subjects and predicates, which she read, then mixed up and read again. Some of the sentences were silly.
"The tan hog sat on a pin."
"The big bus did yip a lot."
"The bug has on a big wig."
That one might have been the favorite. I pictured a very small bug with a very large afro...kind of like this:
I love that picture. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of it.
She finished up her reading,
and we moved on to math. Today we discussed sorting objects according to their attributes, namely shape, color, and size. After we made a matrix, we played a game. I took a piece away and she told me which piece was missing by naming its characteristics (small red circle, for example). Then it was her turn to remove a piece and for me to guess. I closed my eyes, she hid a shape, and then I looked carefully at each row and column in order to deduce which piece was gone. I knowingly looked at her and said deliberately, and in complete seriousness,"It's the large yellow square."
If you are paying attention at all, you will notice that the large yellow square is quite present in the matrix. She looked at me sharply, with a funny grin, and then I noticed that the square was right there for all to see and burst out laughing.
Of course I meant the large blue square. And of course you are not worried at all that I am homeschooling these children. And maybe tomorrow my brain and my mouth will get their act together...
Reader Comments (1)
She is such a cutie tootie. And, not for nothin', but - a teacher without a sense of humor is no teacher at all. Methinks.