It's Short, and Sadly, Not Even Sweet

Christian is leaving in the morning on a three-day school field trip...he's not packed.
One of his parents is supposed to be going on this trip as a chaperone...he or she is not packed.
As of this minute, the chaperoning parent is unknown...kidney stones throw kinks in plans.
Because our dryer has been a tiny bit broken I have gotten behind on laundry...aside from the broken dryer, this is not that unusual.
Since four boys are supposed to be in our van tomorrow, I cleaned'd laugh if you could see it in its "clean" state.
I've got to be honest...I hope Mike is able to go because it will be more fun for everyone (They will be feeding animals like chickens and I have to say more?)
I'm afraid that's all I've got tonight...adios.

Reader Comments (2)
I hope your hubs felt well enough to go too. I think school trips are more fun when dad chaperones : )
Oh no! Reading these posts in backwards order is messing up my timeline. How are his kidney stones doing??? Those are stinkin' painful, from what I hear. OUCH!