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Entries in silly (62)


Five Benefits of Hand-Washing the Dishes

#1  I could slather on some fabulous lotion and don some rubber gloves and get a FREE spa hand treatment while getting this job done at home. #2  I burn 73 calories an hour-that's 1/2 of a Coke!  (Probably not touchin' the brownies, though.) #3  I am honing my logic and spatial reasoning skills.  It's a challenge to see how many dishes I can fit on the rack and how high I can get them, without half of them falling off of one side or the other.  I must figure out which ones should go first, and which ones will work on the outsides in order to rein in all the unfettered and boisterous dishes in between (the cups have minds of their own and they're very strong-willed). #4  One day I can tell my children,"Oh, you think you have it so hard...I had to wash dishes by hand!  Barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways!" #5  It is actually quite satisfying to see the clean sink when you're all done,  and the dishes tend to get put away sooner rather than later (especially if the pile was so big it was a two-rack job, or even three-hey, sometimes I skip a night). I'm trying to look at this glass half-full (then I don't have to wash it, right?)...waiting patiently for when we may get a new dishwasher.  I know there are other hand-washers out there.  Hand-washers unite!  Pruny fingers are sexy!  Dishwater on your clothes and on your skin is lovely!  Seriously, it is a privilege to perform this else are my kids going to eat their cold cereal in the morning?

Sacrifice-It Runs in the Family

This afternoon Mike picked Christian up from school early in order to take him and Michaela to a ballgame with some friends.  This was a very special treat!  It also meant that he didn't take lunch to school, since Mike was getting him at noon. Oddly enough, Christian waltzed through the hot lunch line, and proceeded to order a cold sandwich as soon as his class arrived in the lunchroom.  His teacher had to tell him that that was not okay, for he hadn't asked permission (we don't pay for hot or cold lunch).  He ended up with a plate full of the fixings for a chicken taco, fruit, a turkey sandwich, and a cookie.  The mom helping with lunch today said,"I don't know how he's going to eat all that!" Of course, he wasn't supposed to get any of it, and Mike dropped it off here and then took off with the kids to the game.  I gave Christian the chicken taco for dinner, which worked out well for me, and Michaela had leftover pasta-it was that kind of night.  Later, Mike was headed back to the office and looking for some nourishment.  Being the excellent wife that I am, I offered him Christian's sandwich that we stole from school today. I only knew half the story. Just a little bit ago I heard from my sweet husband.  He said to me that as he took his first bite of that turkey sandwich he remembered more of the conversation that took place at the table.  When he informed the helping mom that Christian was not supposed to get a sandwich she replied,"That's okay. I guess we can just put the sandwich back or someone else will eat it.  Oh, wait a minute.  We can't do that really, because he asked for ketchup on the turkey sandwich, and I don't know if anyone else will want a turkey sandwich with ketchup." He continued,"So here I am.  Eating a sandwich made of white Wonder Bread, turkey, a cheese-food slice and....ketchup. Yum." It's been a long time since he had white bread.  And the fact that it stuck to the roof of his mouth like his retainer in high school is a good reminder why that is true. I think I need to get back to planning meals.


DING, DING, DING The House vs. Vick -- WHO WILL BE ANNIHILATED?  WHO WILL BE LEFT STANDING? In one corner, the house stands undefeated... tough, unstoppable, a rock of meanness, a wicked tower of power... In the other corner, an undaunted opponent, worthy of the name TRICKYYYY VICKIIII... She's got more than a few tricks up her sleeve, and she's ready to weaken her enemy, stop the insanity, bust up the rock, and TAKE DOWN THE TOWER!! ROUND ONE It looks like the house is going to be harder to beat than anyone thought. The sheer strength of this beast is astonishing. It's going to take a little time, and we don't have a lot of that to waste! A powerful struggle is taking place, but there is some wavering; maybe the house doesn't have it after all! OH NO! There's a blow that no one saw coming! Vicki is going to have to figure out how to get a handle on this monster! The fans are going wild! No one knows how this is going to end! This is the sport at its finest! They don't even know who to root for anymore! It doesn't get any better than this. We have to take a break, but don't worry...this show is NOT over!

What Came First-the Chicken or the Egg?

If you're looking for major philosophical and existentially important discussion, then you have come to the right place. Tonight, the answer to the age-old question above is the egg.  An eggshell to be precise, and the chicken came afterward.  A few pieces of chicken, some of it raw.  These things were in my disposal and the disposal decided not to be at my disposal and therefore came the removal of the eggshell and the chicken, from the disposal. Putting my hand down the disposal comes pretty close to the top of my grody-things-that-I-never-want-to-do list (Grody?  Like, I totally grew up in the '80's, and it was rad; I have the big-bangs pictures to prove it.) so I was none too thrilled when I turned the disposal on and heard a pleasant little hum, but no moving parts or crunching up of food waste.  I turned the switch off, and stood there with my heart beating madly for a minute.  I wanted to run away, or cry, but I definitely did not want to stick my hand down there. Like I said, it's grody.  Gross, disgusting, foul, germ-filled, nasty, utterly revolting, and yucky.  Plus, what if it did some crazy mind-of-its-own thing and turned on?  I know the chances of that happening are pretty slim, but what if?  Huh?  That's scary, man.  I like my fingers on my hand, thank you. I finally put my hand down in there, and poked around, and turned the little food-grinders, and felt all around the sides for anything like a screw or some plastic or some other unfriendly disposal stopper-upper.  I came up with nothing.  But I did have my fingers. Bum-mer (I mean, I'm glad I have my fingers...bummer about non-functioning disposal).  I don't care so much about not having a disposal...we've lived without one before.  The tricky thing is to have a disposal, but not be able to use it.  I was so careful cleaning up after dinner not to get food in that side of the sink.  I was scraping plates into a plastic strawberry container in order to throw all of the scraps away; I was taken back to Camp where we had a scraper at the table every night who cleaned all the plates off before they were carted away for washing by Cabin # ___ (we took turns each day, for morning and evening meals, Cabins 1-6; I loved Cabin # 1). And just to throw in a little fun info, here's what else went wacky tonight... I decided to make a strawberry shortcake for after dinner because I had the strawberries, Mike likes that dessert, I also had the whipping cream, and Eliana was asleep so I thought I had the time.  That is a lot of good reasons (those are a lot of good reasons?) for making some shortcake.  With fresh strawberries.  And homemade whipped cream.  Mmmm. I got the shortcake ready (like a giant biscuit in a round cake pan) and stuck it in the oven with some potatoes, set the timer, and started working on the chicken I was doing for dinner.  I cooked the chicken first, not all the way, and then I sliced it so I could put it in a little butter and get it golden and delicious (I like to take food that is relatively low in fat and make it super-fattening, like cook it in butter or eat it with whipped cream made from...well, cream).  I did this (chicken in butter thing) recently twice, and the kids loved it.  I went to tell the kids it was time to switch turns on the computer, and came back and started rinsing strawberries.  Things were going so well!  The disposal thing had already happened but I was working around it.  Then I realized that I hadn't heard the timer yet, and I checked on the shortcake and it was burnt.  I took care of the bottom of that by cutting it off, and the rest was fine, but by the time I did all that, and turned the chicken off, it was dry.  Dry like a bone.  Like an old, old bone in the desert. I microwaved some great broccoli, though.  Do you know how I know?  Eliana ate it. I was fairly exasperated by the time we were supposed to eat.  Somehow we all made it through dinner, even though everyone (well, not Mike and Michaela-they're pretty normal) was in a bit of a mood.  And now my kitchen is mostly cleaned up and I am going to tackle the main bathroom we've been using.  That floor is in need of a serious can of you-know-what. Hey, I'm talking about Comet.  You know, that stuff that cleans so well. Because of your thirst for deep, intellectual, challenging, thought-provoking conversation, I'll leave you with this..."pasta" and "tapas" are made up of the same letters.  I noticed that the other day on the Pioneer Woman's website where she was talking about her favorite foods while living in L.A. Aren't you glad you stopped by?

The Way We Were

Everything seemed so important then...even laundry! I'm not going down that road again, no sir... Maybe Katie and Hubbell were best "the way they were" but this pile and I?  I cannot describe our past relationship as the best it could be.  We are going our separate ways.  It may be painful.  It may take some time.  But we will not be the way we were.  The best is yet to come!
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