A Free Ride

I feel pretty good about getting some things accomplished today. Unfortunately they are the kinds of things that if someone showed up for a visit, said visitor would never know I had done a thing. I cut down a million about forty boxes that have been hanging around for too long. I also took them out to the recycling pile. One small step for following through to the end of a project, one giant leap for Christina. I vacuumed a great deal of the house, and swept the dining room at least three times. I also washed sheets today. That takes a while...
I don't know why I would be putting this information out there for the world to see, considering several of the people who read this website don't even know me in real life, and just about everyone who reads my intriguing narratives (?!) lives in another state. And it's just not worth the 10 or 18-hour drive to see the clean sheets on all our beds. This stuff is so mortally mundane that only my mom might read it and get warm fuzzies.
Furthermore, just because I'm so good at random, the kids made several forts today, got cornbread spread to the four corners of the earth throughout the entire dining room (but then they swept it up as a surprise for me which I have to say made me cry), I ran to CVS for milk tonight because I used it all up this morning making a double batch of pancakes, and on the way home I was like,"Man, I can't see; we have GOT to clean this windshield!" and then I realized that in addition to cleaning the dirty windshield I needed to turn my lights on which would probably help a lot, I finished off some brownies tonight, I haven't had a Coke in over a week (I confess to about three sips of the last 7-Up in our fridge several days ago, but it wasn't what I wanted and I didn't even finish it), I took two showers today because of how yucky I got at two separate times while taking a bunch of icky boxes out to the garbage, I now have a gigantic pile of laundry because of all the bathing that went on here today, there are two gnats flying around my computer on purpose to drive me insane.
Wanna come along? Shotgun!

Reader Comments (3)
Your day reminds me of Elisabeth Elliot when she says no matter what God gives us to do we should do it for his glory.
Even if it was scrubbing toilets. (Which she once had a job as a maid)
She did it as unto the Lord.
Your life reminds me of my quiet life :o)
There is beauty and joy in all that randomness. I think most of our days are like that!
I find that I use my blog as an accountability partner. If I have something I need to do, I blog about it and then report back. Probably not terribly interesting for my readers, but it helps keep me on track. Plus, seeing in print all that I accomplished makes it seem like a bigger achievement.
Haha! I love randomness.