A Wii Bit o' Exercise

The Irish in me plus a gaming system with a pun-able name equals jokes that I just can't help, y'all. (I'm also from the South. What a mutt.)
I won't lie. This morning I slept in a bit. The kids know how to operate our TV/DVR/sound system much better than I do, so shortly after they were all awake (and after permission was granted), they were snuggled up on our sofa under all manner of blankets and snuggies (it was cold here today!) taking turns choosing shows from the acceptable list. It thrills me to no end that my two big kids are still little enough (or sweet enough) to watch what Eliana chooses. Sometimes they even like it.
I got up when I woke up after a STRANGE dream and I thought to myself,"I could get up right now and go for a walk."
Did you just fall out of your chair? Because I almost did, and I'm the one who had the thought. I checked on the kids, went to the bathroom, and lay back down. It was so cold! I just wanted to curl up and go back to sleep. But the funny thing is, I knew it would be hard. And that I would feel worse if I did that.
It's like I don't even know myself anymore.
I hemmed and hawed around the house for a little longer, but eventually went and told Mike that I was going to go for a walk. I said,"Note that I don't want to." He noted the fact.
I went for my walk. Did I mention that it was cold? It was. But I kept on down the sidewalk, in spite of the squirrel's tail that I saw (yes, minus the body) and all the dog poo in the yard of the house on the corner (I mean, I know I'm not stepping in it, but that? Is gross.)...I went up hills and across streets and hither and yon and back home (past the squirrel tail again...*shudder*).
I even made eggs for a late breakfast. That was a pretty good Saturday morning, I think.
The day progressed nicely enough. The kids played a game that involved marbles, Cream Soda bottles, colored water, and questions from the class that Michaela and Eliana are participating in on Thursdays. For every right answer, a marble goes in the appropriately colored bottle; the goal is to get the water to spill over the top. They think this is terrific fun. (And it is, aside from the three marbles that got in our garbage disposal when Christian helpfully emptied the marbles from the bottles...parental supervision fail.) Later in the afternoon, Christian asked to play on the Wii, and I told him he could.
Things were fine, of course, until they weren't. Eventually they were fighting. Or fussing. I don't know if they were really just feeling restless from being inside all day or what, but the Wii was turned off, Michaela flew to her room and there may have been a firm shutting of the door, and I honestly don't know where Christian and Eliana went. (Nice! Parental supervision fail #2!)
I have a confession. At this point in the day, after all of my behaving this week (in the soda department, not in the Bloomin' Onion department...in the Bloomin' Onion department there was a great deal of naughtiness on Friday evening), I rebelliously and quite determinedly pulled a Pepsi out of the fridge and poured it over a very large cup of ice. I don't know why I did it, except that all of a sudden I felt angry and sad and out of control. And there I was, proving that I was, indeed, out of control.
I didn't drink it all. I couldn't even. And I decided that once I got Eliana to sleep, I would either ride the bike or try out the Wii Fit.
I went with the Wii. Mike helped me get it set up, and then I entered all the info it asked for. Here is the skinny...according to certain calculations, I am 48. My weight + my height + my birthday + my balance score = 48 Wii Fit years. Well. I guess I have work to do, because I'm actually only 37.
Here are some thoughts regarding this game. It isn't very nice. For some folks, this could be a problem. It's a good thing I have a top-notch sense of humor! The little animated Wii Fit Balance Board that is communicating with the player (exerciser? Yes, I like that) is quite blunt and not very diplomatic. It made me laugh tonight, but on a different day, it might very well make me cry. My favorite part was while I was running, though. A grandpa (looking very much like my dad, actually) swiftly passed me by. I wasn't too sure about the accuracy of the device concerning my pace and percentage (something to do with calculating calories burned), but hopefully that will be something that works out as I move forward or upward or whatever in levels. I did like the personal trainer. She was extremely encouraging! I did everything well! I was labeled a Yoga Master!
Again, I am dubious about the accuracy of the Wii. Yet, it is nice to master a skill so early in the game. I will take it.
Clearly there are demons lurking...what a battle. It wages on. I raise my fist! I stamp my foot. Yoga will not be all that I master...

Reader Comments (4)
You're doing it, you're doing it! We're in this together, one decision at a time.
Yay! I'm so proud of you. I failed at my exercise goal this past week. It was cool, cloudy, and I just didn't feel like going out side. I really want to get back on track. It would be much easier if I didn't have to work late every night this week. However, I will not let it get the best of me. Keep it up and I will be motivated by you!
Did I ever tell you that my Wii Fit age was 70. Yes, 70! That was the end of me and the Wii. I have been a terrible fail at exercise since I said I was going to try. And this week is full of crazy (and I promised to make a lava cake) so I think it's hopeless. Bathing suit season is looming. Yikes!
Yuck. I've been feeling so discouraged lately with my lack of self-control and poopy attitude. I think I would have gone with the "crying" option. So of all the things I'm impressed with about your day, they "laughing" is tops.