Strength in Numbers (or Even Just Two)

Our garage door is broken, so whenever Mike has needed to open it lately, he has asked me to help him lift it up. The last time I did so, I told him,"I didn't even do anything! I don't think you even need me to help you!"
He replied,"Maybe, but if you weren't here, and..." He didn't finish the sentence, but I got it. If the door were too heavy and it came down on him, the outcome would be very bad indeed. Then he said,"Having you there gives me the confidence to [I can't remember what he said, but basically to heave the door up with all of his strength]."
I laughed at the time, but thought about the conversation later. I was struck with how true that could be, in general and not just in the case of the garage door. Wouldn't that be a lovely thing, for me to be such a companion to him, a helper, and an encourager, that just having me there would help him do whatever it is he is trying to accomplish?
In the book we are reading together, and with many other couples at our church, The Meaning of Marriage by Tim and Kathy Keller, Tim Keller is adamant and abundantly clear that we are never to expect our spouses to be the one who saves us, and neither should we try to save our spouses. That is a task that is outside of anyone's ability. We are not designed to be saviors. There is only One who can accomplish that. However, we are designed to complement our spouses. (Not in the Jerry Maguire "You-complete-me" sense...) We are designed to help one another work out the gospel in our lives.
I have a couple of chapters to read before Wednesday (I got behind because I couldn't put the Bonhoeffer book down!), but I am anticipating what they (the Kellers) have to say. I want to keep learning and growing in this marriage, because, you know, it's for the long haul! Honing in on those things that need attention and improvement will hopefully strengthen us as individuals, and together.
So we can lift garage doors, among other things.

Reader Comments (2)
Hmmmm . . . sounds like something I should read. :) And Mike thinks like I do so thanks for humoring him.
:) I like it. Good thoughts.
We are reading Sacred Marriage in our group. Heard of it?